Need guide dance or advice.On an ebay account that have been closed for
years I purchased a 2009 Stephen Curry rookie card #321 for my own
personal collection.Last year I decided to sell and I list this card,
the card sold and it was found to be fake...
How could I add to my profile the years with a prior store that never
were added to my account.I have asked so many times for guidance to so
many representatives at no vail that every contact with them now is like
a slap in my face because is no true...
I need help in the process to download and upload. I have tried various
times but it doesn't take my corrections, I not that knowable with
excel. Help!
Spending my time and unable to relist or contraoffer to buyers.
Communication with ebay is non existent, no phone, email and chat is
pure waste of time. HELP!What is going on?
This card was described and label as "New" when indeed is a used card
out of the wrapper and send out to grade to BGS. It is my understanding
under ebay rules that stating "new" it need to be under specific Ebay
rules.Please clarify further, because ...