We are unable to dispute a defect received that indicates we 'uploaded
tracking on time but there was no carrier scan'. We can go to the area
showing current and future periods for defect rating but we are unable
to find the item we see on the defect...
We have found several listings where the description of a product is not
properly aligned to the picture/auction WHEN WE VIEW ON A PHONE but when
we look at the same auction on a PC, it is perfectly fine. Anyone else?
is there a way around the error "this tracking number is already
associated with another active shipment" when you validly ship 2 orders
together? Thanks!
The user ID is definitely the same. We have already added information on
the eBay side so it will not allow any tracking numbers to be entered on
the Paypal side. We will have to remember to try the Paypal side first
the next time someone does this.A...
Thanks, disneyshopper, we know how to send an invoice for multiple
purchases, but the buyers did not ask for an invoice and they purchased
outside of our normal business hours so we didn't catch it until they
had already paid for both auctions separa...