This is a Maurice Seymour photograph of a woman who signed it Bonnie.
She looks familiar. But i am drawing a blank. Any help would be
appreciated to identify her.
Can anyone identify any of these autographs? They could be political, or
theater. I know they are from 1901 to 1906 time frame. Any help would be
greatly appreciated. I have deciphered quiet a few today, but cant
figure these ones out.
Hi. I have three pieces i am hoping to get some help with. I believe
they are by John H. Niemeyer who was the professor of drawing at Yale
School Of Fine Arts. Two i think are etchings but one looks like a
sketch. Anyone that is proficient with art h...
I found this auction on ebay the signature looks to me a match but i
cant find any silent movie actor by that name .
Hi. The first three are cut autographs. I believe that these are all
American with the exception of the last one (letter) which is from
Trentham. There are no facts to share. I buy autographs and sometimes i
get some that i can't decipher. I am just ...
Sorry I didnt get back sooner. I have had problems getting the
discussions to load for some reason. I thought it looked like Eve Arden
too. The signature is definitely Bonnie. The inscription reads: To
Everett- A friend indeed! Many thanks for all yo...