She looks to be a Miss Barbie from 1964. Your pic show's her to have a
wig on? The Miss Barbie has a molded head with painted on hair. She came
with a fluffy pink swim cap with glitter and pink skirted swim suit. She
was not a popular doll back in th...
Thank you for your post. You are correct that sellers can only post +
feedback for Buyers. But why can't a Seller post + feedback AFTER the
buyer Posts positive feedback for the seller? It's a simple process.
This is how Ebay works. Once the Buyer Po...
BINGO Seller! You are NOT a Lazy Seller! This is EBAY(not an oil change
place or any other place you do business) and the standard here is for
the Buyer to leave feedback FIRST and the Seller SHOULD do the same. As
a Buyer I ALWAYS leave feedback whe...
People are on their phones all day texting etc. It takes about 30
seconds for the seller to leave feedback for the buyer. Harsh? No, it's
harsh for a buyer to leave a seller Neg feedback without working out the
problem. Most sellers want happy and re...