Is anyone else unhappy about having to purchase a shipping label before
being able to print a packing slip .. seems kinda %$ backward to me ..
My shipping process has ALWAYS been to print a packing slip first to
verify that I am packing the correct i...
My last 2 buyers have left positive feedback , but the actual comments
have only been the first letter of what they were going to say .. I
assume the saved comments drop down is not filling in the whole comment
they wish to use ?
also be aware that sometimes not all watchers are buyers .. many
watchers are in fact sellers watching your item to see if it sells for
your asking price ( "lets watch this to see what I can expect for the
same item" ) .. and sometimes watchers are j...
I am incorrect .. I had always used the "print packing slip " link that
was located on the Ship Your Order page . Following that path you can no
longer print it before purchasing a label BUT I had forgotten that a
link to the packing slip was also lo...
I am INCORRECT but still annoyed that my fulfillment process will be
changed again .. I have in the past always printed my packing slips
first from the Ship Your Order page .. that link to the packing slip is
now located after you purchase the label ...
I just viewed your listings and the first 2 that I perused have minimal
shipping exclusions listed { the Army of Darkness cards} .. both of
those cards have a few shipping exclusions but Canada is not excluded ..
Europe isnt either .. you probably ne...
My short story .. shipped a small package on Feb 14 .. went through the
local processing plant on the 15th .. on its way ... disappeared .. no
further tracking .. last week I refunded the buyer .. not a biggie .. i
will be out the shipping and the ch...