@ljmgoods wrote:i worked for sears for 25 years . they got greedy just
like e bay is . all about the mighty dollar ....i get that .but now they
bite the hands that fed them all these years ..They don't just bite the
hand that feeds them, they eat the...
Hahaha or when I go to list something that should be in the
catalog...Mostly because I want those item specifics pre-filled so I've
already specifically done a search for it by UPC and it came right up! I
go to that one listing that is obviously cata...
@stalco01 wrote:It seems that I have no choice, but to accept a return,
despite the no return policy.How does eBay protect sellers, to make sure
they get back what they shipped? Half of the emails were during the
listing, the other half after the auc...
Could you please post the "eBay item number:" of the car in question?All
ebay listings have such a number.Any listing that does not have the item
number is not listed on ebay.It would look like this:eBay item number:
380898780250 That one is an examp...