eBay emailed me a message recommending I verify my bank account, I've
had this(eBay) account since 1999and never gotten a message like this, I
got a payout Tuesday with no problem, brought and sold on 2 days ago
with no issues, what can this be?
i brought a item it didn't work out ,seller agreed to accept the item
and send a return label i did get the label however the label is for 1st
class mail i paid $20 for a large filtrate box how I'm I going to send
back a large flat rate0 priority box...
i listed a item for $700 with a auto decline offers less then $263
checked the listing two weeks later on my PC and seen that it had
automatically declined several offers of $550 without my knowledge and
consentwhat can i do?
Has anyone successfully used a zebra ZP 500 to do USPS for ebay/paypal
shipping?Any information greatly appreciated ,drivers .links
If one sets up a debit card for payments and doesn't want to use express
payout, is there still a fee, if you request a payout, for the next day
or two?
A Lot of new sellers start their auctions too low, they're selling their
personal items, they paid good money for, and to see it go for less than
what they paid for it, they suffer emotional damage