Ebay has contacted me that an item is being returned and they are
withholding my money to refund them.1. The buyer has not contacted me at
all. I have NO IDEA of the problem.2. The buyer has 38 feedback.3. Ebay
states that had contacted me about this...
I don't expect an answer. I know it must be very difficult to keep up
with all the transactions you have to watch but when you use them as
criteria for various standards you need to make sure they are accurate.
My status dropped because I had 6 retur...
In the future please don't send me a 1099, for the year, unless I sell
the $20,000. the IRS wants to know about. The IRS does not require 1099
for less than that. Thank you.
It really is the same thing I've mention before. i put Peyote Bird
Pendant in the search box and got 3 pages to look through. Mine was not
there. I search 3 different times. If you don't pay the extra, it looks
like you don't get to be seen. I've tri...
Thank you for responding. No, there was no opportunity to respond to
Ebay but I did find why it was being returned "I just don't like it'.
New times, new age!
Could I ask, what did you put in the search engine. I put 'Barbie Nighty
Negligee' and I still don't find it. When I put it on Best Match I get
183 auctions and on lowest price I get 60 auctions. Why isn't there
still 183? On the highest price I get ...
Thank you. I'm glad they finally put it on. I had no views and no
watchers. Now I have 17 views and 2 watchers. Thank you all. I got some
excellent suggestions that I will be putting into practice on my new
offers. Good luck to you all.