Has anyone noticed that many of the items sold in China have multiple
listings show up in searches from the same seller? Is this fair
practice? And does E bay do anything about it? It makes searching harder
for buyers
I've noticed people getting by with selling Veterinary products that
require a RX, at jacked up prices, like 4 times the regular cost. And
with no proof of a prescription. How can they get by with selling these
items aside from price gouging?
Ebay use to have a "wanted" option but i don't see it any longer. I'm
looking for womens XL tank tops with a length of at least 30". I need
several of them and they are hard to find when most sellers don't post
the length of a simple tank top. Any th...
I was searching for cat de wormers and found a listing for one but there
is no description of the name of the medication. I tried to message the
seller but it says they don't take them. I would bet too many buyers are
wanting to know what medication/...
I've always paid sellers promptly and given feedback always just days
after I receive the item. I've noticed about 4 sellers from 2 to 4
months ago haven't left me any feedback. You'd think sellers would be
appreciative of their buyers and of getting...
Broken in the sense that the FB should be there to help other's decide
if to purchase, etc. from a person. I understand it's voluntary but
isn't it helpful to know something about the seller or buyer? It is to
Thanks for the advice and I have to agree with you that much is broken.
Sellers were complaining that feedback wasn't given to them. Well I've
always given it first if I can. and I pay promptly. I might hit the road
to other sites. Thanks again
I have to agree with you! I am far from perfect but never could I do
that. If I had extra of a health or cleaning agent at this time, I'd
give it away. How pathetic of these people to make money in this way
It's continuing today. Toilet paper at $48. for 8 rolls. Is eBay not
monitoring this?. It's a ethics issues too. I was going to bid on a item
until I saw their price gouging. They won't get any business from me