Hey Folks;My sales are down by 50%. There is something going on here on
ebay. Just read the current Q3 report release and sales off ebay has
dropped 10%, Active Buyers Declined by 5% , GMV up 9%. Ebay is making
money off the backs of sellers with hig...
It is complete madness here on ebay. Ebay has removed the level playing
field years ago and finds ways to continue to squeeze every possible
cent out of every type of seller here. What i find completely
unacceptable is the punitive 5% add-on and 1% a...
A buyer purchased a guitar from me on July 4th and paid. I prepared the
guitar for shipment and paid and printed out a shipping label. Within 24
hours I received an email forcancellation and the buyer placed a hold on
my funds. I contacted customer s...
Ebay’s Management System is an utter disaster. It causes shortfalls,
negative balances, overdraft fees which ebay washes it’s hands off.
There is no option of getting paid other than a chequing account. This
is utter nonsense and driving Sellers away...
Hey Folks: Need your input on this.We are a musical seller of parts. I
received the following vero trade socalled dress policy for the
following item:254582113534 - relic Vintage Nitro Maple on Maple guitar
neck replacement Steel frets fits OEMThis i...
You are correct. Ebay had a Unique Niche market with Antiques, Vintage
Items etc. All those Unique Sellers grew tired of Ebay's constant policy
changes, Increased massive fees, Loss of Paypal and working Capital and
being ripped off. They simply move...
Ebay decided years ago that Sellers are nothing more than a supply
chain. That sellers are nothing more that Cash Cows. Yet the golden cow
has long gone to pasture and left.
I am here with legitimate concerns. Those defects are in my stats. That
is fact. I am here for constructive dialogue. I am a business owner. I
find these forums go off the rails without discussing real concerns. I
want one of the moderators PM me ple...
"Damaged items thru shipping carrier regardless of the best packaging
also triggers these punitive add-ons."You do not receive defects on eBay
for items damaged in transit.You are wrong. It shows as a defect metric
in my stats "Buyer remorse thru fal...