07-09-2019 12:24 PM
Does Using Your Cell Phone Help You with Your eBay Business?
I recently had an eBay poster attempt to mock me for using my cell phone to conduct some of my eBay business. I know I have seen other Sellers who proudly use their cell phone as a tool to aid them. Below is a list of what I do with my cell phone. Do you do the same and please share if you have more to add.
1. Prompt response to buyers’ messages when you the Seller are out and about, away from your desktop/laptop.
2. Prompt response to buyers offers when you the Seller are out and about, away from your desktop/laptop.
3. The prompt creation of shipping labels, label that can be emailed to a copier center for print, and only pay 5-ten cents per page for labels, rather than using and paying the high price of ink and/or a printer.
4. Immediate Research items while in stores, auctions, estate sales, garage sales to determine should I buy for resale.
5. The immediate creation of a listings, all while having breakfast, lunch or dinner when away from your desktop/laptop.
6. Taking pictures to download to my desktop/laptop.
So, if you got a Cell phone and you are not using it to do any of the things listed above: to run or enhance the running your online business, then you are not keeping up with the times. The efficiency aspect is a WIN WIN!
07-09-2019 12:46 PM
1- Yes if I'm away from my computer for a while- but if I'm going to return to my computer within a few hours then no.
2, 4 and 6- Yes, frequently.
3- No, that's more than I spend on labels and it would be inconvenient to go somewhere else to print all the time. On the rare occasion I've had to print elsewhere I still create the labels using my computer.
5- You couldn't pay me enough to do that.
07-09-2019 01:00 PM
I use my cell phone to create a listing because I can't upload photos to my laptop. I start a listing and take photos then save as a draft. Go to laptop to finish the listing, it's easier to type on the keyboard and I can see everything better than on the phones small screen.
07-09-2019 01:03 PM
I only use my cell phone when out sourcing to check on pricing. Otherwise, all my Ebay business is conducted in a civilized manner on my desktop. If, on the rare occasion, someone has to wait a few hours to get a response from me and gets upset, well then all I can say is good riddance. I am proud to be an old curmudgeon.
07-09-2019 01:15 PM
Very sorry to hear that someone tried to belittle you for using a smartphone to do business. That person is way behind the times. I can't imagine running my eBay business without it. It is an invaluable tool.
My phone alerts me to a sale immediately, so I can take care of it in a timely fashion. This is the most important function in my opinion. I also use my phone to take all my pics and upload them into draft listings in the app that were created on the PC. My phone takes better photographs than my camera. Plus I have macro and micro lenses that attach to enable the full range of close-ups, etc.
07-09-2019 01:17 PM
I use my smart phone to:
1. Research solds for data when picking items
2. Reply to buyer's messages
3. Look and see what's sold (and have a photo near by for picking since I may have multiples that are similar but not the same)
4. Reply to offers
5. Take photos (the phone I have is better than any camera I've owned)
I don't create listings because I like my coloured box around my text in HTML, my listing software (SixBit) where I know how to fix all the settings, and stuff that doesn't work well for "immediate listing". I also scan pictures because that works better for some coins, so the finagle of pictures from one device to another is not very productive.
I don't create labels mainly because I'm using a cross border courier and want it to be right by using my laptop. I can't send documents from my phone to the printer because my printer is too old and too cheap for wifi capablities (I have to plug my laptop in every time I print packing slips and labels).
07-09-2019 02:03 PM
The smart phone is an valuable part of the business day.
When I am filling orders is use it to grab the SKU (item locations)
Every buyer gets a thank you and verified ship date directly from me, where ever I might be when the order comes in. Most of these are by the smart phone.
Smart phone notifies me when an order comes in. The phone is always with me.
All photos with the smart phone.
I utilize 2 desktop computers, 2 tablets and the smart phone.
Desktop and smart phone are the top 2.
07-09-2019 02:05 PM
In regards to my business, I only use my cell phone to call ebay *groan*, take photos, and carry my inventory list when I go to my suppliers. That's pretty much it.
07-09-2019 02:10 PM
No. It is not a help at all. I find it a hindrance. I also will not buy using a phone.
07-09-2019 02:11 PM
eBay looks totally different on my cell phone, so I rarely use it.
07-09-2019 02:36 PM
Most of our cell phones, even my vintage one, are literally touch screen computers. I don't see the issue. Now I wouldn't make an ad with mine, but I do use mine to take the photos, the camera is better than the digital camera that I have, and probably lighter. A lot of younger people don't even have computers, they have a cell phone and a tablet. To them keyboards are what "old people" use.
07-09-2019 02:46 PM - edited 07-09-2019 02:48 PM
eBay is for me a full time job and I am near my computers and work stations almost all the time during the day. I see no need to engage my cell phone. I have a camera that is 10 times better than a cell phone camera, so no need for it there either.
07-09-2019 05:18 PM - edited 07-09-2019 05:20 PM
"Keeping up with the times"? Sounds more like tying yourself to eBay 24/7. While I'm sure that is a goal for many sellers, it certainly is not for me.
1. Prompt response to buyers’ messages when you the Seller are out and about, away from your desktop/laptop.
2. Prompt response to buyers offers when you the Seller are out and about, away from your desktop/laptop.
Checking my eBay account twice a day - morning and night - is plenty. I sell on eBay to enhance my personal life; - not to intrude on it. The last thing I want to do when I am outside the house is to do eBay work.
3. The prompt creation of shipping labels, label that can be emailed to a copier center for print, and only pay 5-ten cents per page for labels, rather than using and paying the high price of ink and/or a printer.
3) ROTFL. The nearest copy center to me is 35 minutes away. And besides, if I checkmy eBay account twice a day, what does it matter wheter my label is created "promptly" or not?
Plus, my phone does not have the ability to carry my inventory around, pack my items, or weigh them. With the new zone-based first class mail, being off by an ounce or two can cost real money.
4. Immediate Research items while in stores, auctions, estate sales, garage sales to determine should I buy for resale.
I know my niche. I generally pay pennies for my inventory, or pick it up for free. I might use my cell phone once or twice a month to research an item and 95% of the time it just confirms my initial instict.
5. The immediate creation of a listings, all while having breakfast, lunch or dinner when away from your desktop/laptop.
I'm always away from my desktop/laptop for breakfast, lunch and dinner. That is family time, and no place for a cell phone, let alone eBay work.
6. Taking pictures to download to my desktop/laptop.
Digital SLR with SD card. Superior pictures compared to my phone, and transfers just as easily.
07-09-2019 05:36 PM
I use mine to take pictures and respond to messages.
As far as trying to list, no way. If I had list from my phone, I would never get anything listed.
I don't look up items while I'm out, I wait until I get to my computer.
07-10-2019 05:57 AM
I'm not sure why anyone would belittle you for it. I use my smart phone for at least 98% of my business. The only reason I haven't ditched my laptop completely is I don't like the way my shipping labels and invoices look when I print them from my phone. I haven't created a listing from my computer in about 2 years. I'm constantly traveling to source items and I drive for Uber also. It is nothing for me to pull over into a McDonald's parking lot and throw a dozen listings up while waiting for a fare. I find sellable merchandise at thrift stores and other locales and often picture them and list them right there in my vehicle within minutes of purchasing. I have a white sheet I throw over the passenger seat and boom, I have a successful listing. I can't tell you how many times I've bought something for $10 and had someone purchase it for $200 and pay for it within 10 minutes. That's a quick profit. So yes, what we can do with our cell phones these days is invaluable and amazing. Of course, I guess it's not for everyone. Neither were cars when the were invented, lots of people just liked the dependability of a horse, different strokes and all.