Hi, I found this vintage still sealed game. I was wondering if anyone
had any info on it?I found one that looks similar on Ebay but without
opening it I have no idea of what it is or it's worth?It has STAM on the
box for a brand but no date.
I noticed the same recently. If you sort by lowest first the number of
items is different also. It seems to remove some completely from search
if you look at the total numbers.
I sell clothing on my selling account. The past few months my sales have
been getting worse. Monthly total is down by half. I follow a seller
that sells the exact same thing as I do. My feedback is 100% have no
account issues. I have tried lowering m...
Ebay search seems off. I listed 3 items earlier. When I search for them
only one shows under best match and it says there are 51 items that
match. But if I change to newly listed it shows all 3 and says there are
61 matches.
I am also having issues. I have to try more than once to start a
campaign since yesterday. Once it claims it started the chart shows zero
impressions or clicks, and nothing shows up as promoted in the search.