You assume wrong!!!! I had a diamond ring for sale in a auction. I set
the starting selling price at $1,000. I get a message back from eBay and
the buyer that the ring sold for $200. LOL How can that be when the
starting price of the auction was $1,0...
This has nothing to do with those at all!!! I had a diamond ring up for
auction. I set the starting price of the auction at $1,000. I get a
response back from eBay and the buyer that it sold for $200!! LOL How
could that be when the starting price of...
That is not the issue at all!! I had a diamond ring I put up for
auction. I set the starting price of the auction at $1,000. I get a
response back from eBay and the buyer that the ring sold for $200!!! LOL
How can that be when the starting price of t...
I did set the starting price of the auction but then eBay lowered the
starting price of the auction!! Example: I had a diamond ring I had up
for auction. I set the starting auction price at $1,000. I get a
response back from eBay and a buyer that the...
I did set a starting price for the auction but eBay lowered the starting
price of the auction. Example, I had a diamond ring up for auction. I
set the starting price at $1,000. I get a message from eBay and a buyer
that the ring sold for $200!! LOL H...