@77-78yankees wrote:...Oh look.. Here's a "New one" from the eBay
authoritarians. Haven't seen this one before until 5 minutes ago... "Pay
by Apr 19 so you don't lose the item""Lose the item"?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
**bleep**????????It seems like every da...
@mrfindit wrote:The buyer did not recognize the transaction is a Managed
Payments option. Read the terms of Service. Seller protection doesn't
kick in until tracking shows delivered. Then you can ask for your money
back.No, it's a credit card option,...
@lawnmowerpartsstore2 wrote:Once you strip away the legal mumbo jumbo.
Sorry to Break your heart but their (LEGAL MUMBO JUMBO) will stand up in
any United States court and you signed away ALL OF YOUR RIGHTS when you
agreed to do business with Managed...