I have a lot of World War II issued Medals I was wondering if these are
allowed to be sold on Ebay I read the Ebay policy but it is vague as far
as vintage goes Please help me understand
I have a lot of World War II issued Medals I was wondering if these are
allowed to be sold on Ebay I read the Ebay policy but it is vague as far
as vintage goes Please help me understand
Used to be able to auto relist cards with no fees up to 8 times now they
took it away It makes it more expensive when you have 1400 listings and
you want to list more I may need to find another auction sight soon to
They say they protect seller performance Well I just went from Top rated
to above average while my packages where all delivered late #1 because
of the weather #2 The post office cutting back on deliveries. Ebay
should really look into other factors b...