make withdrawal -206.38 USD but in finally i get scammed second time
from payoneer and get 182,38 US Why ebay give them exclusive permission
withdrawal our money and steal extra fees
hi, i get scammed by my shipping company usually i use another
company to ship items from USA to Georgia (country) but now i win
auction of DELL monitor like new for 140$ (usually its worth 200~300$)
with weight 10 KG and Sendex offers 2$ c...
hi all, ebay european websites shows only 29 listing instead of 80 in
example shows only 29 but i have 80
listings. and shows all 80i contacted about this 10
times with support in one month and they...
Hello all, i was wondering about this when ebay will add multiple
withdrawal options in example directly to credit card or my internet
bank account because its really stupid and hard way and takes additional
extra fees when you transfer money from eb...
Hello, European listings not showing all my listings in example
showing only 42 listing instead of 80, how to fix this
i know its not ebay issue, and yes i deserve monitor or compensation for
monitor to buy it again because i tont make sell/buy with sipper i buy
from another guy, what if just my friend send from usa and i dont make
buy they need pay me 0$? i want bla...