I did a reverse search of the user id that's mentioned and look at this
item. If you copy and paste this it takes you to what looks like an ebay
site with this user's id selling a game console. I don't know if this
helps but I thought I would put it ...
I'm not saying the seller is a liar but the seller is a liar. I hope
that you do not close your case for any reason other than a full refund
of the purchase. It sounds like this seller is trying to pull a fast one
on you.
It has? That's crazy, not that it can't happen but that it could happen.
I didn't think about that aspect. I have actually looked at some of the
listings from some of the people who are commenting and I did find a lot
of interesting items that I woul...
Your issue is one that's been going on for a long time. The USPS
employees not scanning packages when they're supposed to. When I hear
that the USPS is going broke I have a hard time feeling bad for them.
Maybe if they would terminate some employees ...