We have only on a couple of occasions used GSP - you are right the
postage costs do work out a lot more on the whole for the buyer, so much
so we had one of our regular customers we refunded £10 /$12 which was
the premium ebay had charged him on GSP,...
We have had the same issues with parcels to Israel. Our mail provider
(Royal Mail) could see the parcel was in the Office of Exchange in
Israel, but our customer was told it wasn't and the package never
arrived. (we have not had it returned yet eithe...
Hi we are based in UK and there are no restrictions on services to
Finland either with Royal Mail group or courier companies eg UPS etc.
The only restrictions we note are many of the pacific islands, NZ and
other smaller countries which are in lockdo...
Its ridiculous people gouging, hiking prices for the their own needs and
profiteering, even the BBC has picked it up; "Analysis from Liberty
Marketing has found UK own-brand hand sanitisers are being sold on eBay
for huge mark ups, with Lidl 49p sani...