Today I sent an offer and it is good for 4 days!!! Doing a google search
on the subject it seems ebay has made a change to 4 days! without
telling me. Even though someone can buy while offer is out, the seller
can not send others offers while one is ...
I am having this crop problem. I have windows 10 and the most updated
Firefox browser. I cleared the cache still did not work. I tried the
Microsoft edge browser still did not work. Reading here and on ebay help
I realize I am not seeing (or ever hav...
I'm starting to wonder since I was new seller starting the end of May
did Ebay list my items in google shopping for ~3 months then afterwards
not listing them in google/shopping unless sponsored? I could at least
understand if that is the case.
I am finding listings before September showed up in google shopping.
Listings afterwards not showing up in google shopping. A few listings
are in the main search as a web page but not as a google shopping item.
A few of those listings are showing up ...
I have notice my newer listings not showing up on Google. I like
checking out the online competition for items and feel I get some
traffic from Google. I put my title to listing in google search and it
shows up. The last listings for me that is showi...