Our store has at least Five (5) times many listings as last year at this
time; we have an excellent Top Seller Status; and the same top quality
merchandise spread over Four (4) times as many categories ……. yet our
sales have dropped to nearly nothing...
I have an Active eBay store.... Many Lifetimes.This morning I received a
notification from PayPal that I received money; one of my eBay items
sold. As usual, I waited to get the notice from eBay which item exactly
sold and all the details.. it never ...
In the event Amazon has a crash on their big Prime Sale Day, eBay is
having the "Crash Sale" July 15th .... How can we Sellers partake,
advertise, or be part of this 'big event'?
This very thing happened to me this morning!eBay Techs had me refund the
buyer's money through paypal, then END the 'still active' item from eBay
and then RELIST it and then notify Buyer that ebay and paypal had a
communication glitch and that the mo...