@craw.p0gos wrote:I rechecked the tracking number, and checked the
purchase in my purchase history....in my purchase history it says
"Delivered in/at Mailbox on 12-21", but I never received the package at
all.Even though the first item was delivered ...
If you can open a dispute at PayPal for Item Not Received:
http://paypal.com/disputes your seller will see your payment (unless it
went to a wrong email address due to a seller typo). Then your seller
only has to provide a tracking number that soon s...
Click the Send Request button, come back the day after 3 business days
have passed to click Ask eBay to step in, and get your refund in a few
hours (even though eBay will say to wait 48 hours). Then if the item
arrives (it won't) and it's exactly as ...
If it's how you paid, open a dispute for Item Not Received right away at
PayPal. Doing that will cancel your return request mistake at eBay.
http://paypal.com/disputes Go back to that page and click Escalate to
PayPal as soon as it's allowed. Then wa...