Over 4 weeks now. Still haven't talked to or heard from anyone from eBay
who knows anything or has any authority in this matter. Everyone I've
communicated with has been completely useless. I'm out of ideas.
Talked to an Irish eBay rep this morning. He told me 2-3 weeks is not
unusual for them to verify submitted documents. Supposedly they will
message us with the results one way or the other, either verifying the
info or telling us what the issue is. I ...
I just spoke to Diageo from eBay. He assured me that a transfer to my
bank account is being initiated and to expect it in a few days. I'm not
holding my breath. I still have "Your payouts are currently on hold
because your eBay account is restricted"...
Have you made any progress? I'm going through the same thing. My
Payments have been on hold for over 2 weeks. Called and was told the
automated system did not work and my details would have to be reviewed
manually. That was supposed to take 4-5 busin...
Yes, this is eBay deliberatly trying to be more like Amazon. Maybe eBay
doesn't realize that the HUGE advantage to selling on eBay vs Amazon is
that an eBay listing is MINE. I control my listing. I can differentiate
myself and my item. The biggest pa...