Ok so i sold an item. Buyer choose ups ground saver.. But after getting
it boxed up. It a couple of inches to big for that. But it does show it
will ship with regular ups ground that size. But it wont let me change
it to that so i can get this shippe...
So when the buyer comes to pick up the item from me. If he doesnt have
that pick up code and cant show it to me so i cant enter it before he
leaves with the item. Is it still ok to let him have it? Or should i not
release it? thanks r
Ok so.. The item i bought went missing. The seller did refund my money.
But then i got a notice from the post office that it was seized for
counterfeit postage. So it seems the seller is trying to ship items they
sell here with fake postage. So my qu...
So i forgot one of my old account user names. How do i look for it so i
can maybe get an email sent to the address so i can try to restore it.
thanks r
Hi. So i seen your chart on here about the 1099 selling over $600 thing.
IS that still in effect now that the irs pushed back rolling that out??
Or is it back to $20,000 and 200 transactions for 2023??
Hi. Thank you so much!!! I found the advanced thing and got it done very
easy. I wish ebay would have that advanced shipping tab a little bigger
and more easy to find. thanks r
Hi there. So everything looks like it went ok. He had that number with
him. And i typed it in and it said it was ok and confirmed the item
pickup. So i beleave everything is good. Thank you for the help. I did
have a question about another trransacti...
Hi Yes thats the item. He said he can pick it up over the weekend. I was
always told be carefuul with low feedback people. And he doesnt have any
recent feedback. So im just trying to be carefull. I guess i can always
take a pic of him picking it up....
Hi. Thanks for the reply. Yes i did see that option. But what i was
worried about was if i did that. There really isnt any proof he came and
got it. I dont think. can he just say i clicked he picked it up but he
never did. And then with ebays 100% bu...
Hi. OOOHHHH ok!! LOL No it hasnt been delivered yet so that makes sence!
THank you. It doesnt say ANYWERE in there about that!!!! Man it would be
so nice if it did!!! thanks ron