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"Flooding the market" is not a selling strategy.

In every different "genre" of selling we all occasionally have to deal with sellers who simply don't understand the laws of "supply and demand". It's one of the worst things we all have to deal with. If you have 30K of a single item, selling them off...

Feedback on items

Idon't like to submit feedback on items, because the seller is never happy unless you rate the item as excellent. I've even had a seller refuse to sell to me because I gave a few negative asessments, claiming that I'm never satisfied even though I've...

User avatar by Explorer
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New All-Time Low-No Replies Needed

I have reached a new all-time low, one sale in the past 14 days, I know the cheerleaders are going to say it's my fault, my inventory, my this, my that, BLAH BLAH BLAH, & to those I say you are Very Wrong!, This has become a pitiful place to try & co...

Searching for an item

I have been selling on Ebay for over 20 years. I have some items that are just not selling, but yet I am the lowest price. I do a search for the item and a lot of other stuff pops up creating 2-4 hundred items, but they are not the exact item I searc...


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