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Hacked EBay account

Had my eBay account hacked. Hacker got into my eBay account and refunded 3 buyers for over $800 then asked the buyers for a different method of payment. All the buyers got the items plus their money was refunded by the hacker. I have 4 calls to eBay ...

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The post office is garbage they don't scan ebay envelopes any more and about 20% of my packages don't get delivered and the ones that do are taking 3-5 weeks for delivery. DOES EBAY GIVE A CRAP ABOUT US AT ALL> MAYBE they can reach out to the incompe...

Resolved! Choose One & Pass It On.....again

Well, once again someone at Ebay decided that the old game HAD to be closed because it was an old post...so let's try to start this thing again.Same rules as the old game Chicken or Fish?

God bless Ebay the Only Site that

I could find Scotch flex & seal shipping roll. THIS. is what makes Ebay special. I went to 4 sites to find the product and only found it at Ebay. Even my local hardwares didn't have it.Thank you Ebay.


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