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Net Neutrality is DEAD

This is very bad news for all of us and is an outrage.

The noise over whether your Internet provider is the reason you can't get Stranger Things to stream smoothly is about go up a decibel.

The repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules Thursday wipes from the books regulations that prevented Internet service providers from blocking or slowing some websites, and charging more for others to run faster.

The new regulations, passed by the Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission's 3-2 vote, instead require companies like Verizon and Comcast to disclose if they block sites or give priority to their own content more than others — say by allowing Comcast unit NBCUniversal's sites to run at a faster clip than Time Warner's

The onus shifts to the public to flag any signs these Internet gatekeepers are playing favorites including with their own properties — and report them to the Federal Trade Commission if it looks like the provider is trying to suppress a competitor. The big Internet and cable providers, who lobbied hard for repeal, say they won't stop or slow any legal content.

The noise over whether your Internet provider is the reason you can't get Stranger Things to stream smoothly is about go up a decibel.

The repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules Thursday wipes from the books regulations that prevented Internet service providers from blocking or slowing some websites, and charging more for others to run faster.

The new regulations, passed by the Republican-controlled Federal Communications Commission's 3-2 vote, instead require companies like Verizon and Comcast to disclose if they block sites or give priority to their own content more than others — say by allowing Comcast unit NBCUniversal's sites to run at a faster clip than Time Warner's

The onus shifts to the public to flag any signs these Internet gatekeepers are playing favorites including with their own properties — and report them to the Federal Trade Commission if it looks like the provider is trying to suppress a competitor. The big Internet and cable providers, who lobbied hard for repeal, say they won't stop or slow any legal content.

But broadband providers have a big reason not to starting adding a special "YouTube" fee to your monthly bill: consumer ire, which is quick to ignite with any price hike. In fact, the new FCC sees public pressure as one of the forces that will check Internet providers from abusing the lighter regulations.

That outrage should work in a market where consumers have more than one choice for high-speed access. They'll have less leverage when the local cable company is the only game in town.

The replacement rules are slated to go into effect as soon as next month. But expect a noisy fight online and in the courts before then — and after.

Advocates of the Obama-era net neutrality rules — including large Internet companies including Amazon, Google, Facebook and Netflix —  are already planning strategies to combat the regulations in Congress and the courts.

Some in Congress say they will introduce Congressional Review Act legislation to overturn the measure. And several Republicans have joined a large group of Democrats in voicing concerns about the issue, setting up possible majority votes in each house of Congress just months before mid-term elections.

And just as previous attempts to pass Internet regulations landed in court, so likely will these new rules. The 2015 measure, passed by an agency then controlled by Democrats and led by Chairman Tom Wheeler, withstood a court challenge from USTelecom, a trade association that counts among its members AT&T and Verizon.

Opponents of the Obama-era rules, which included FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, who was appointed by the Trump Administration, have downplayed fears that repealing net neutrality regulations will lead to a slower, toll-gated Internet.

The FCC's action "is not going to end the Internet as we know it. It is not going to kill democracy and it's not going to stifle free expression online," Pai said.

Instead, the loosening of Internet regulations should actually benefit consumers, in his eyes, as it encourages Internet providers to invest more in broadband in regions that don't have the best high-speed access, such as rural areas.

The public has shown itself particularly interested in the rules, submitting a record 23 million in comments. But millions were shown to be faked or tied to stolen email addresses, giving some Democrat lawmakers another reason to request the FCC delay the vote.

That "deeply corrupted" public comment process is at the heart of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman's plans to file a multi-state lawsuit against the FCC's "illegal rollback" of the 2015 rules.

Angelo Zino, an analyst with CFRA Research, predicts little will change in the near term, but he expects broadband prices will go up for some consumers.

Internet providers already offer different tiers of speed, Zino notes, charging more for some.

He believes companies like AT&T will find a good commercial reason to offer cord-cutting services like its DirectTV Now at higher speeds, under the new rules. However, a "backlash" would happen if Comcast started charging extra for searches or YouTube views, he says.

“Could it happen?” he asks. “Theoretically, sure. Is it going to happen? Probably not.”

If a company tried it, consumers would vote with their wallets. Even in areas where one company dominates, there are usually alternatives out there, Zino says.



~Why be a second rate version of someone else when you can be a first rate version of yourself~

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Net Neutrality is DEAD

Unfortunately it seems that most eBay sellers, at least the ones that post here have no idea of the potentially very damaging ramifications of this decision.


Here's an example of how it could affect sellers (and there are many more) in a way they may understand.


1 - A new competitor to eBay comes on the scene, they are small but have very interesting technology and policies which could propel them into the big leagues and attract many sellers from eBay to come over and share the wealth.


2 - eBay sees this threat on thre horizon, they contact the the small number of major ISP's (Verizon, Comcast, AT&T) and arrange to pay more for priority access to the pipe and to impair the priority of the new competitor to the point where they are almost unusable.


3 - The new competitor, the one some eBay sellers have been lusting after for more than a decade fails to gain traction and folds up.


The ISP's put a chunk of cash in their pockets, eBay has destroyed a competitor and eBay sellers are left to once again hope that another will come along. If one ever does they will need truly deep pockets to have any chance of success even if they have the most amazing marketplace ever created.


Or maybe it could go the other way, Amazon could pay to have ISP's throttle eBay! eBay is already pretty slow, it wouldn't be very good for eBay sellers if it got worse and it could get much worse with the end of Net Neutrality.





Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
Message 2 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

The repeal of Obama-era net neutrality rules Thursday wipes from the books regulations that prevented Internet service providers from blocking or slowing some websites, and charging more for others to run faster.


The old laws never stopped the above anyway. If you ever had satelite internet, and you went over your 'allotment' one day, they punish you for 24 hours by slowing down your bandwidth. And just about every ISP out there will charge different rates for different speeds - your choice.


Other than maybe something like netflix or hulu going up a dollar a month, I don't think we will see much difference.



"Nothing is obvious to the oblivious"
Message 3 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

This is going to be terrible.  It's not just incremental pricing people should be worried about though.  In effect this gives the internet provider monopolies to charge whatever they want and indeed offer "packages" of what you can pay to view and what you can't.  Similar to your cable TV bundles.


This still has to be voted on for approval by the House and the Senate.  The big boy AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, et al lobbyists "donated" quite a bit of money to our representatives though.  When this comes up for approval, how do you think they're going to vote?  I'll give you a hint:  always follow the money.


I'm truly over these secret closed door votes on things the majority of the American public is dead set against.  In this particular case, 83% of the population is against repealing net neutrality.  Just as the majority was against this magical tax plan which only benefits the wealthiest.  That little extra tax credit you're going to get if you make under $100,000 a year is going to be wiped out pretty quickly when you no longer have the current deductions for tuition and medical expenses.


Every day I think it can't get any worse.  And it always does.


Message 4 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

I myself refuse to pay any more for internet - currently, it is $64 a month just for the internet and phone and GAWD forbid if we add TV, that will push it to approx $150 per month.  So if I have to pay more, then the internet will go and I will just keep the landline.  I've already made the "hard break" from FB and not much of a twitter fan or Instagram (no tablet for Instagram).  If I have to pay a monthly fee to have access to certain sites, that will be a no.  Up until we reconnected with Cablevision, it was $50 a month and once I ran out of GB's the service was so slow I just stayed away so I am almost used to it.  

Message 5 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

It's bad enough that we're paying the most for internet (and cell phone service) than almost anywhere else in the world.  Giving them license to charge even more is disgusting.  And some countries have considerably faster speeds at a fraction of the cost of ours.


There is no logical reason for this except to those who can profit from it.


Message 6 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

@tellmemama wrote:


There is no logical reason for this except to those who can profit from it.

Watch the stock market for things like internet providers, the answer is there. 

Message 7 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

The cost of generic internet service is not really the issue.


Whatever you are paying for X amount of bandwidth you should expect to be able to decide what you want to access and be able to access equally. Not find that Fox News comes in just fine while MSNBC is constantly buffering (or vice versa) and the reason for this is because your ISP is on one side or the other of the political spectrum or that one network paid your ISP to interfere with the delivery of a competitor.


Lots of outrage on these boards about alleged throttling or favoritism on eBay, very little about Net Neutrality what is in many ways the same thing but on a MASSIVE scale.







Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
Message 8 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

@sandmansales wrote:

This is very bad news for all of us and is an outrage.


Wrong. Don't believe everything you read. Although I am Libertarian pretty much across the board, I was also duped into thinking net neutrality was a good thing. Nope. As usual, government meddling is no good.

Message 9 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

Every time regulations are loosened there is a panic.  People panicked when the phone industry was deregulated and Bell was busted.   What happened?  More choices in the marketplace, cheaper prices, and an explosion of innovation.      People panicked when the airline industry was deregulated.  What happened?  Again, more choices in the marketplace, cheaper prices, and innovation.

Remain calm and don't cry until there is something to cry about.

Message 10 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

Look up John Legere's video about T-Mobile buying L3 and getting into the TV cable market in 2018 to compete with Spectrum, Fios and the rest.


This is going to shake things up big time. That dude rocks!

~Why be a second rate version of someone else when you can be a first rate version of yourself~

Message 11 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

@secretsquirrelisnowhere wrote:

Every time regulations are loosened there is a panic.  People panicked when the phone industry was deregulated and Bell was busted.   What happened?  More choices in the marketplace, cheaper prices, and an explosion of innovation.      People panicked when the airline industry was deregulated.  What happened?  Again, more choices in the marketplace, cheaper prices, and innovation.

Remain calm and don't cry until there is something to cry about.

I haven't seen anyone responding that has confessed to "crying", so what are you trying to say? 

This is very different from deregulation that does not control what information you receive. Airlines, ma bell, did not put information in front of you to skew your political opinion, nor try to over-ride your ability to find product and purchase among ALL the choices available. 


This is the ultimate information war. Both sides of the political aisle are planning their attack, probably buying up stock, and working to have control of ISP's in targeted areas, and will divide the country further--if that's possible. When not political, it will be product based, and we all know how this is going to play out in the end--average people will monetarily pay for the priviledge to suffer.  

Message 12 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

@sandmansales wrote:

This is very bad news for all of us and is an outrage.


The Internet, including eBay, worked just fine before the Obama administration created "net neutrality" in 2015


It seems the problems here started about the same time --- what a strange coincidence ...

Message 13 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

The internet has changed and grown exponentially since its inception.  It was only natural that some rules would be needed to maintain fairness over power (meaning the ones with the most money) so net neutrality was born.


To now remove this has to be due to money---it always is.  I wonder how this will affect sites now.  The ones with the most money will have all the power.  I feel sorry for the small websites which won't be able to compete at all.   Also, how much will this cost be passed on to the users to pay for this new found power?   I'm sure ebay, or any big site, will not absorb it themselves.   This is truly where trickle down comes into play.

Message 14 of 27
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Net Neutrality is DEAD

It will be so funny when someone goes to pull up cute cat video's and gets a tag that says,   you have not subscribed to cute cat videos.     Click here and pay 9.99 a month to watch cute cat videos.

Message 15 of 27
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