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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

the layout is confusing.. you cant tell new listings anymore. even when you are supposedly in the new listing heading , how do you tell where it ends. I don't want to waste my time looking at items I saw yesterday or try to remember where I left off.. I swear every time they change it gets worse. It's like they have employees not doing anything or trying to earn their keep .. hey lets change Ebay... hey look at me I'm doing something. if it is not broken don't fix it

Message 1 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(


The photos have a "New Listing" banner across the top left corner.

Message 2 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

The new format is terrible, the listings look like a slightly spruced up version of craigslist, and the left side navigation is totally cluttered and annoying, and the ending soon and new listing banners across the preview pictures completely block out the pictures which is just plain awful.

Message 3 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

Good news.  I deleted all the cookies and history today and then restored my computer to September 7th and now the old Ebay look is back, Yea!!!!!!  The new Ebay look sucks on ice.


Message 4 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

"New Listing" banners are a real annoyance.  I prefer to look at the pictures in small size, but the banners obscure the pictures.

Message 5 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

I totally agree. I do NOT like the New Ebay format! Now it takes forever just to load the page. Too much going on. It really sux!

Message 6 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

The new look is worse than horrible :_|

Message 7 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

Well,I cleared my cookies,cache,etc and I still have this awful search page. How do I opt out?????? eBay so many of us hate it....and so close to the holidays too. Are you trying to KILL OFF what little good sellers you have left? Letting in all the China sellers filling up our pages with carp???

Message 8 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

Agreed. I do not understand why they changed it so drastically. The search results are worse, it is more difficult to set criteria, and to find items than ever. I say leave well enough alone, and if your going to make changes, make small changes and always allow user to use the version they like. I have had it with ebay. As a seller, I have no rights, pay huge fees and the customer service is dwindling. They make it hard for me to want to continue selling and buying.

Message 9 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

I totally agree with the post  "As a seller, I have no rights, pay huge fees and the customer service is dwindling. They make it hard for me to want to continue selling and buying." I also don't see any banner and I don't get anything when I scroll over the picture. not sure what one of the posts above means about new listing banner  on the pictures. I think the bottom line is Ebay has already made up there mind months ago and no feedback is going to change anything. I also agree with one of the posts above about giving us the option to OPT OUT of this format. then they can track how many ebayers are using the new format compared to how many  have OPTED OUT


Message 10 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

I also want to throw in my 2 cents regarding the large green New Listing banner.  I check my favorite saved searches every morning.  This morning I couldn't even get through a page.  The banner covers the top left third of the photo and just is highly irritating to the eye, very poor design. It gives me a headache.

There is a feedback link which is very hard to find.  I sent my feedback to whoever might read it.  Until it is removed I'll have to stop browsing new listings.

Message 11 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

I teach advertising in China.  This new format reminds me of

NEW COKE! and the great success that campaign had.

Coke eventually recovered their wits and went back to the original Coke.  I hope Ebay recovers their wits as well.

Message 12 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

I totally agree the new format is deplorable!!! Luckily I logged in today and it looks like it is back to the 'old' format. I hope eBay got flooded with millions of complaint emails and phone calls and switched it back. I hope they read the comments in the forums and wake up, and YES an OPT OUT option would be great!

Message 13 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

I'm guessing that it was changed to make it more tablet/smartphone friendly which sux.

Message 14 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

I hate the new format, too.  Especially that ending time.  Don't tell me how many days and hours are left.  I want the date and time.  That's how I bookmark and sort items in which I am interested.

Message 15 of 70
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