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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

the layout is confusing.. you cant tell new listings anymore. even when you are supposedly in the new listing heading , how do you tell where it ends. I don't want to waste my time looking at items I saw yesterday or try to remember where I left off.. I swear every time they change it gets worse. It's like they have employees not doing anything or trying to earn their keep .. hey lets change Ebay... hey look at me I'm doing something. if it is not broken don't fix it

Message 1 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

That it's bad is the understatement of the year... I actually came here because I was so frustrated at the space-wasting cluttered mess of a design.

I hate that I couldn't find a way to easily view all individual auctions/buy-it-now the way we used to, it wants to pretend it's Amazon by only listing the product with a supposed starting price. Even more messed-up, when I clicked to customize the sort order, the only price option was "highest first", the opposite of what I want!  Arrrrgh!!!!

Either they need to offer ways to easily revert back to the more useful format, or -- if the controls already exist -- fire the interface designer in favor of someone with half a clue how regular people (or even geeks like me) use websites.

eBay needs to grasp that when it comes to non-one-of-a-kind items, people have always come here to buy items for less than we'd get it via other online used channels like Amazon.   We're not here for an "experience" or because we think eBay is the same as an online retail store...we're here to quickly & easily buy things for a good price, and when eBay fails us in that respect, we take our money elsewhere.

Message 16 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

Well, all was fine for me until I accidently closed my browser (chrome) a few minutes ago.  Whenever I do that I get logged out of everything.  So, after logging back in to ebay, I found I had the "new look".  It obviously has been redesigned with mobile devices in mind.

I don't like it all!!!

Message 17 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(


So, I can search by distance, and it get a mileage on the item, but when I pull up the listing, there is no actual location.  Lot of good that does.

Am I missing something?

New format is going to severly limit my ability to find useful items.

Message 18 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(


The new eBay format is terrible. If I perform a search under a very specific category and then decide I want to widen that search out (e.g., going from the "Roco" category to the "HO Trains" category), I no longer have the option of moving up the tree one level.  The only option now is to remove the category filter and search all categories, and then click, click, click, click to drill down to HO again.  This is a problem!

Another problem is the missing "Search Title and Description" checkbox.  I now am forced to go through the "Advanced Search" page to get to this feature when it was right on the results page. This is really annoying as it make the site much slower to use.  What I used to do in one click now takes three or four clicks and navigating through two pages.

The new banners are overly loud and obnoxious and detract from the pictures.  I typically scan the pictures in the results column and if I see something interesting, I then look at the price, the seller, the feedback, etc ... in short, all of the information that is shown on the old format page ... before I ever click on a link to look at the details.  With the new format, the banners block part of the picture, meaning that I have to click on every auction to see the actual item and to get detailed information.  So I just don't bother and skip those auctions for now.

Removing the divider lines makes the screen less readable, and the larger fonts and pictures only mean that fewer items fit on the screen, and I have to do more scrolling.  It's like they're trying to format eBay for smartphones instead of wide-screen monitors.  eBay shoppers like me are home on their computer hammering through hundreds of listings every day looking for specific things - not browsing a few listings on an iPhone while sitting on the toilet listening to iTunes.

I've seen sellers complaining their sales are down - well no wonder!  eBay is making the site impossible to use by dumbing down the interface instead of making it more robust.  I'm not a huge buyer - I only buy one or two things a month - but I do so consistently.  Or at least I did.

In the past I liked shopping eBay but now now it is increasingly difficult to use and I find myself extremely dissatisfied with it.

And there are other venues for buying the kinds of collectables I like.  So as a shopper, I'm dumping eBay and shopping other places now.  I see pretty much all of the changes thus far as  detriments, not improvements, and it looks like it's only going to get worse.

eBay really has screwed the pooch this time.

Message 19 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

It's bad. I just called customer support to complain. Wow, it's awfuly confusing. Why fix what isn't broken??????????

Message 20 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

I agree with all of you, this format is trash.I like how I have to try and figure out an auction end time, they can't even tell you the minute it ends, thats just plain lame.

 I guess a successful formula that has lasted nearly a couple of decades isn't good enough now. Ebay, do us all a favor, change it back.

Message 21 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

Horrible.....agreed....they just change things for no reason....this is getting old.....bad bad bad

Message 22 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

New ebay motors format is the worst ever !!!! If I don't know where the car is located, I'm not interested !!!! Try again or I m won"t be back !!!
Message 23 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

The new ebay format - particularly for Auto section - is unbelievably bad. Simply terrible.

No real thought has been put into the hierachy - 

Management of ebay is clearly taking their eye off the ball - bad news for the future of this stock.

try focusing.

Message 24 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

the new format is terrible.  Once again eBay rolls out a feature that is inconvenient and annoying to anyone who actually uses the site.  Some of us want to see as many listings as we can on our screens!!!  And the thing that really gets me, EVERY LISTING shows the item location!!!  How many people does that really matter to?  There must be some people over at eBay who have no concept of logic, or what their customers want... there must be some kind of toxic enviroment where the communication is poor and the management make decisions against the better judgment of those who DO think logically.  Next time, ask us what we think BEFORE you put the terrible changes in place.  Focus groups maybe????

Message 25 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

Thats their expertise. Fix the unbroken and leave the broken one. So, they want everything broken coz If its all fixed those people that they are paying has nothing to do. What I've seen for the last five years, Its better to employ(ebay) a fifth grader than those people running the site now.

Message 26 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

Message 27 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(





Message 28 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

Hate Hate Hate new ebay format have stopped using it now as Im fed up with not being able to find anything!!!! Ive bought and sold for approx 14 years but now am searching for alternative auction site. Why do they have to change what seemed to work so well?/??

Message 29 of 70
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NEW Ebay BAD :-(

How bad does it have to be before we all stop shopping with ebay it is awful now I can find the simplest of things. BAD move ebay.
Message 30 of 70
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