01-20-2012 06:26 PM - last edited on 01-19-2017 11:13 AM by crimsonleopard
I have buyers that never pay and never communicate. When I go to leave feedback, all I know get are the choices of "positive" or "I'll leave feedback later". Why can't I leave negative feedback anymore?
08-24-2018 08:07 AM
sellers can't leave negative feedback what a joke,i think i will stop selling on eBay.From other countries, websites like eBay have this option only this funny eBay do a problem for sellers
08-31-2018 01:55 PM
Since I no longer have the ability to rate a negative buyer I will not rate any buyer at all. This was a terrible policy for ebay to institute and since they have put it into effect I have had mulitple buyers that never pay and waste my time. If ebay continues on this path I may look to do my online selling elsehwere.
10-31-2018 09:46 PM
I absolutely agree, Ebay don't support sellers, buyers have more protection than ever. I have lost nearly Au$2000 through non payment buyers. It was resolve but I had the so called face value fee in credit, but where I'm still paying heaps in fees I have looked on those "deadbeat" buyers page and there is no comments from ebay about non payment. Then I can't hit a negative feedback button, only leave a negative comment on a positive thing.. Not good enough. Now I have to keep changing my actions prices because they have ridiculous accept price offer.. Drive me nuts . Sorry for the rant..
10-31-2018 09:53 PM
I absolutely agree, Ebay don't support sellers, buyers have more protection than ever. I have lost nearly Au$2000 through non payment buyers. It was resolve but I had the so called face value fee in credit, but where I'm still paying heaps in fees I have looked on those "deadbeat" buyers page and there is no comments from ebay about non payment. Then I can't hit a negative feedback button, only leave a negative comment on a positive thing.. Not good enough. Now I have to keep changing my actions prices because they have ridiculous accept price offer.. Drive me nuts . Sorry for the rant..
11-09-2018 03:39 PM
yes its bloody stupid not able to leave negative feed back ebay dont mind taking a chunk of my cash but let me warn others of non payers come on ebay give us all a chance
11-09-2018 03:49 PM
I'd like to know where is the strike on the deadbeat buyer from ebay? I have gone into the deadbeat buyer page and there's nothing from ebay about the buyer.
11-26-2018 05:33 PM
It seems to me that it may be a good idea for someone to start a service outside of eBay, a site where sellers can leave feedback on Buyers...just a thought. I'd use it. It could duplicate the way it used to be. eBay's usernames could be used and I don't think there would be much they could do. I'm talking about stating facts not curse words and name calling but No pay, no response, etc. When a buyer clicks to bid they are entering into a legally binding agreement - if they don't pay, so what they get an imaginary strike against them that basically means nothing...oooohh that really teaches them a lesson for fraudulent. But if you sell a children's toy cap gun from the 1950's without the red plug you get a 3 day suspension from selling. I can't figure why it is so one side favored now. They do have the largest selling platform, they know it and if you the responsible seller don't like it go somewhere else. That rule no negative responses with positive feedback rule to me is a subjective thing, fact are facts neither positive or negative.
12-04-2018 10:12 AM
Whats the point of eBay having a negative feedback colume for buyers if there isn't anyway for sellers to leave a negative feedback on potential troublesome buyers? eBay isn't really making this fair for sellers, maybe we want to warn other sellers on eBay that the customer is a trouble maker?
12-04-2018 03:27 PM
Agree 100 percent. I was always surprised that no one made a good alternative website to Ebay. Not being able to leave Feedback for bad buyers is asinine
12-07-2018 12:18 PM
I have the same problem. I’ll never use eBay again.
12-13-2018 08:16 AM
Looks like it’s time to start selling on Amazon
12-13-2018 02:14 PM
I hope Amazon treats its sellers better than ebay. We sellers on ebay have no rights, gumtree is full of crooks and people that want everything for nothing..
Now ebay give sellers a strick for cancelling an auction, even if the buyer cancels it. So make up some **bleep** don't say "out of stock".. Grrr
Good luck...
12-21-2018 12:30 PM
Wouldn't it be fair for the seller to be able to actually see the unpaid buyer strikes on a buyer's account? There is so much valid skepticism related to that system because there is no transparency. Why is that information hidden?
Wouldn't it be fair for the seller to have the option to choose not to do business with buyers who historically leave high numbers of negative feedback ratings for sellers?
Wouldn't it be fair for the seller to be able to see feedback about specific buyers, so they have the option to not engage in transactions that have a high possibility of going badly? The buyers have that advantage, why not the sellers?
Since the buyer appears to have overwhelming support from eBay in nearly every situation, can't the seller at least have the ability to filter out trouble making buyers before they buy from them?
Come on eBay, please give the sellers some options to defend themselves. It appears that sellers now feel they are going to lose every single buyer dispute. With that in mind, can't the seller at least have some tools to try and avoid the battles ahead of time?
It it time to balance the support levels for buyers and sellers, back to an even playing field. Please?
12-21-2018 09:07 PM
Without ebay sellers there are no ebay buyers . What's good for the goose is good for the gander. I hate leaving feedback for deadbeat buyers.. How can one say something negative in a positive column .. Doesn't make sense...
01-29-2019 11:26 PM