‎01-20-2012 06:26 PM - last edited on ‎01-19-2017 11:13 AM by crimsonleopard
I have buyers that never pay and never communicate. When I go to leave feedback, all I know get are the choices of "positive" or "I'll leave feedback later". Why can't I leave negative feedback anymore?
‎12-21-2014 07:55 PM
AND, i cant even reply publically to their Negative comment... now apparently all i can do is file a confidential report. UGH!
‎12-21-2014 08:10 PM
‎12-27-2014 11:15 PM
‎01-03-2015 05:50 AM
‎01-03-2015 06:01 AM
‎01-18-2015 01:10 PM - last edited on ‎01-19-2015 07:57 AM by li-stevet
Ebay clearly only cares about the buyers and not the sellers. Its not fair that we cannot leave feedback for these buyers. How are others supposed to be protected from them? My description clearly states no refunds or returns due to the nature of the item. They left me nasty feedback, got their money back because Ebay left me no option but to and I have no way to speak my peace on feedback? My options are to leave positive feedback or leave feedback later. Smh with disgust.
‎01-21-2015 05:18 AM
This has just happened to me. Someone did not pay for the item and I cannot leave negative feedback. This has got to change. Think I will take a look at Gumtree to see how they deal with time wasters.
‎01-22-2015 07:04 PM
‎02-02-2015 06:50 PM
‎02-15-2015 06:44 PM
WHy can'y I leave feedback I've been a member of eBay since 1999 I don't sell a lot and decided to see a few items to make some extra money. I have a buyer that agreed to cancel an item and now is extorting me with feedback. When I wouldn't give in and see the item to them at a loss they turned around and left nagative feedback. Why can't I leave feedback for them to warn others of this person. Totally unfair and unjust I want this feedback removed and leave feedback. I'm done selling on this site after 16 years.
‎03-04-2015 05:50 PM
‎03-19-2015 09:13 PM
They are a scam!!! I have tried to do everything by the book, but no matter what, the customer wins even if the seller was really the one in the right. After numerous positive feedback, they won't remove the negative stuff in my seller dashboard from months and months ago, when I was a brand new seller, and still learning. I think more sellers should report them to the Better Business Bureau, then maybe they will get their head out of their rearends......What a horrible experience for me as a seller......I seriously think I am going somewhere else to do my selling. I am so done with them, and the **bleep** they put sellers through. We don't have a leg to stand on in this company, it's always about the buyer, and skew the sellers that work so hard to do what is right, and they fail to see the sellers point of view.......don't need their **bleep**.
‎04-07-2015 06:30 AM
And this is why everyone is switching to Amazon because eBay sucks! I had a buyer try to haggle me for discount on a brand new item and he leaves negative feedback saying the item is real but I don't know my product.....**bleep** EBAY.
‎04-07-2015 09:28 AM
if you feel it is feedback extortion you can have it removed, call ebay.
‎04-19-2015 05:02 PM
ALL buyers enjoy a 100% feedback rating!! That's not a rating system!! It's scewed in favor of ALL buyers! EVERY single seller is screwed and have their backs up against the wall!! Shoot, it's gotten so ridiculous that certain / some sellers (NOT GOING TO MENTION ANY NAMES HERE) have resorted to cojoling buyers into changing their negative feedback to a positive after of course offering them $$$ or some "FREE" goods in exchange - Yup, believe it or not, IT'S TRUE!! Here's the sad part about it though... 1) You're allotted so many "feedback withdrawal requests as a seller." 2) After the buyers realize they're NOT getting what was promised to them, well... Guess what happens??? Yeah, your account gets shut the hell DOWWWWWWWWWWN! You can send as many ridiculous letters to the better business bureau and it will not put a dent in the problem - This is an enormously HUGE business entity you're dealing with which controls ALL aspects of the eCommerce trade on the net and have top-notch attorneys protecting the name, FEEBay... Excuse me, ebay!! Hope you have several physical addresses, emails, phone #'s & such because you're going to need that in order to open up a new eBay account EVERYTIME a buyer.............................. Well, at this point you should know the rest!!!