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Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

Final value fee;s are  ridiculous on Ebay... Very upsetting... I will look for other ways to sell anything from now on...very sad...

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165 REPLIES 165

Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

Ebay wanted my feedback on my first sale, but I could not leave my feedback because I went over the letter count so this is what would have been my feedback to Ebay:  For years since eBay first started up until last week I was just a buyer and I have never sold anything. But out of desperation I needed money badly because my youngest sister had lost her battle with cancer and me and other family members had to scrape up money so she could be cremated and we were still $500.00 short....So I decided to sell something that I myself paid $40.00 for and I sold it for $60.00 plus $10.00 for shipping. After eBay took "their cut" "my cut" was $45.00! I only made five dollars! Five dollars! All of the "big wigs" at eBay are making a fortune when eBay sellers are hardly making a profit and some make no profit at all. By reaching out to the eBay community there are A LOT of buyers who are not happy and are very upset with eBay! So at this point the only ones who benefit and make a load of cash is eBay! This was my first time selling and it is my last time selling. Then right after my item sold eBay asked me for a payment of I think it was $35.00 for ridiculous charges, I can't remember what the charges were but I was so upset when I got the message from eBay asking for that money! So I got $45.00 bucks from my so called scall and then eBay demanded 35 bucks that I did not have and said they wanted it immediately. I did not even have a dollar to my name since we had just buried my sister! So the $45.00 I made on eBay with eBay wanting the $35.00 would mean that out of the $45.00 I made on my sale means in reality I only would have gotten 10 bucks from my sale is I had paid eBay that $35.00. But like I said I cant remember what ebay said it was for. Then on top of that after all that I have been through I get a message from eBay stating that they had my money on hold and that I needed to mail the buyer the item immediately and get a tracking number and as soon as I gave ebay the tracking number then they would give me the money .... so I rushed straight away to the post office and did what I was told and I mailed the package, got tracking and then gave eBay the track number. THEN after I did what I was told to do I get another message from eBay saying that now they are keeping my money on hold and I will get my money 24 to 48 hours after the buyer got the item delivered! I will never sell on eBay again! I am going to try for Etsy! Plus I found out through the ebay community that I was and am not alone! There are so MANY sellers right now that got ripped off to by eBay, so many that its ridiculous! If this keeps up pretty soon the number of sellers on ebay is going to dwindle right down and maybe even in the near future fizzle out all together and then how will ebay scam, oops I mean make money? What will they start doing taking money from the buyers too! Plain and simple ebay has gotten greedy and it will be ebays downfall because more and more people are getting fed up, just go check out all of the unhappy sellers in the community. Ebay used to be awesome and ebay used to have integrity where sellers could actually make some money ....especially now during the covid crisis. What happened to ebay? I loved ebay so much that I stopped buying on Amazon and Etsy and for many many years bought everything from ebay....the last one to leave ebay please shut off the lights...Well Ima outta is your valued feedback you asked for! Too bad you did not value your sellers....have a nice day!


Message 136 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

They do not value sellers.  I had a guitar returned to me stating it was not palyable.  It was returned to me  at my expense and the buyer was refunded plus his shipping cost .  So I was out over $100 in shipping costs both ways  The gutar had no problems when it left me and when it was returned had no problems  The buyer obviously did not like it or found another one cheaper and used a lieing  excuse to return it at my expense.  I filed an appeal twice and lost.  The buyer is not protected in these cases of deceipt and lies from the buyer.  That would not have been a problem with Amazon or   So do not fear buying on ebay but I suggest not to sell.   

Message 137 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

Complete rip-off!  I am a novice to selling and 5 of my auctions ended at $0.99.  eBay charged me $0.97!  With the other fees and taxes, I had to pay $0.56 to sell my item!  With $1 parking, I was down $1.56.


eBay charged me a fee for USPS shipping!  I put the actual cost ($8.55 for padded envelope) and eBay is charging me $0.87 to mail it!  This is ridiculous.


So, a $5 item, the seller will get only $2.90.


This is usury and Congress should review and close down eBay.

Message 138 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

I sold an item on eBay.  Seller paid $25. For item plus shipping.   When eBay got Don taking all their fees from me, they took all but 2.49.  
I don’t  know if eBay has been hacked, bought by ( unethical) China, or has just developed Grimaldi accounting practices.

I spent hours time total with eBay customer service only to go round and round in circles that never could give me anything but very vague answers that never made sense to me.   I pulled all my listings.  I tried to delete my account but was unable.    And their online process that you are suppose to be able to delete your account only offers four options of reasons why you want to delete.   None of them were even close to my reason and if you didn’t check off one of their 

harmless-looking choices you could not get to the next page.   I will never do selling nor buying with this unscrupulous company.    I had been an eBay  member since 1999, but the company is nothing like what it used to be.   Whether they are grossly incompetent in their accounting or criminal, I don’t yet know but I think time will reveal.  I wouldn’t be surprised to see a class action lawsuit come up over this.


Message 139 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

I have had 100% positive feedback since 1999.    Yes my last item seller paid $25. For item and shipping.  When eBay was done taking all their fees they left me with 2.49

snd my last few sales have looked like that.

ebay can’t explain unexplainable charges other than vague canned answers.  I could not get the problem resolved after hours spent trying

Message 140 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

that right  its all about riping people off have 100% fed back  then they screw  me out of extra 5%  

Message 141 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

At the end when you compute all the charges, their cut is 27%!

Message 142 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

yes, and they can charge 5% more at discretion if you miss any ship dates or anything and now you no longer get e-mails telling you an item sold or that you have an offer. You basically have to check ebay daily or they will screw you and they have access to your bank account. So upsetting. Real nice ebay!  2.55% + 30 cents ( your HUGE savings of .35% WOWIE!!!!!) Then by not sending e-mails they will slip you up eventually and make another 5%. They boast it's easier and better for sellers, but it's only better for them. You used to be paid immediately. I wonder what will happen to my bank account when a buyer decides to complain about something or their shipment is stolen from their home after it's delivered, they will be like Amazon and just **bleep** their sellers.

Message 143 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

@anonymoose99 wrote:

When has the FVF not been "in effect"? The 1990's?

It has always been in effect.  Back in the 90's the Max Fee was $75.00 plus your listing fee.

Message 144 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

UNREAL!!!! This is seriously getting out of hand. eBay is making well over $19,000,000 PER DAY on us. I list an item for $130 and they take $17. Wheres the margin!? Something has to give. There are other platforms out there that have just as good of results and they are free. eBay has its benefits but wow, they are really gouging us at this point. 1800 in sales, 450 in fees. No joke. 

Message 145 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

Listed a cellphone for $750 didn't sell it but had one bid and I cancelled knowing that eBay FVF was going to take a huge chunk so I decided to sell elsewhere. When I initially canceled the auction there was no mention or warning of a fee to do so yet I still got a FVF of 100.00. F no I will not pay that the phone I had was worth $750.00 not $650.00 so one would have to sell at $850.00 to make what they want but no one will buy at $850.00 leaving you to undercut yourself. No thanks. Ill stick to FB Marketplace where its free no fees unless you use PayPal which I did and was only charges $30.0. Hmmm $100 vs $30 and that's if you choose to have them pay via PP with the invention of Cash App these greedy mfers will be a thing of the past. 

Message 146 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

Use Facebook Market Place. Its catching popularity quickly. 

Message 147 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

These scum are trying to take 34% final profit on a 300 dollar item… 20% for a reserve pricing on the bids… plus 14% to them once I sell the product… tf do they think they are?… straight pieces of **bleep** during a pandemic at that…

Message 148 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

You are dumb af lady…. You’re making absolutely nowhere near  full potential profit for YOUR possessions… you must not know/understand **bleep** about ROI. 

Message 149 of 166
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Re: Ebay final value fee's are a rip off.....

I will stop using Ebay due to its Greedy policies.  You can too - spread the word!!!

Message 150 of 166
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