Do you feel e-bay treats it’s sellers fairly?
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08-28-2012 07:26 AM
E-bay is protecting scumbag, deadbeat bidders and treating it’s sellers like dirt! I had a guy buy two items totaling $270,000, no payment, no communication. And I had to pay $41.00 to relist the two items and e-bay won’t refund that money, yep you heard it right, e-bay is stealing from its sellers. Furthermore since e-bay won’t allow its sellers to leave negative feedback, people have been leaving positive feedback, just so they can warn people about this person. So now when someone looks at their feedback number, without reading the feedback, they think everything is fine. E-bay’s strike enforcement policy is seriously flawed… This person has done this four times, and is still active. I am truly disgusted with e-bay and how I have been treated. This corporate culture is going to be their undoing. They may be the only game in town today, but keep abusing the people that pay your bills and see what happens tomorrow!!!! I feel like e-bay cares about money, much more than it's sellers, and does not care how they get paid, as long as they get paid!
I would like your thoughts on how you feel about e-bay stealing your listing fees and how we're treated when we call in to complain about anything.
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09-22-2013 01:12 AM - edited 09-22-2013 01:14 AM
Which part of 'posting account' don't you understand? Its pretty obvious that sineaterdoodah uses a different account to sell things and pay bills if selling records are not shown on this account.
Yes, Ebay fees could be less than what it is now, but you're not forced to use Ebay as the sole venue (in other words there's no policies saying you can't use Amazon to sell things as long as you‘re an Ebay member), smart sellers often use multiple venues to make money.
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09-22-2013 11:19 AM
thank you,zyon. actually i have 4 selling ids,and 2 buying ids.and this one,which i do list on occasionally.
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09-22-2013 03:21 PM
In first look you`re right - nobody force me (lie me, not force) to sell here and I even can delete my account, but only on first look.
I have to refund one of my clients when the item arrive, to pay taxes, etc. and I must wait some time to close my accounts.
So I hate to repeat myself, but in exactly this moment I AM FORSED to BEG this "support" to repair my account in order to can at least clean my sells. Of course I can in any time just to block everything connected with ebay and papal and to leave my clients to cry on your shoulder and to I FORCE ebay to pay for me from his pocket (or maybe i should say "your pocket"), but i`m not such a person.
About the 'posting account'- i did`nt saw this, so the answer is "both words". In this mean - sineaterdoodah - you have my sincere apologies about my previously words, it`s my mistake - sorry, friend, please send me your paypal on PM, I`ll buy you a beer. Since i have these problems i`m just too mad on this "support" and sometime overdo. Sorry again.
@ zyonite - so if i`m understand you right when and everybody who have problem with the system must go avay from ebay instead of to try to solve the problem?!?
Yes, i search and learning for other opportunities at all time.
For example - i`m a professional seller. More than 25 years i pay my bills with selling offline and i have huge amount experience for this time and some of it is "when you go to sell on new place make some marketing research, when you start selling new product try all potentials".
So, few months ago i start thinking about online selling. The rule above is the reason to start selling online. And because i didn`t knew other sites i start selling in this site. Here paypal promise to me to support my payments which was half true (still don`t support either my currency or language), but no problem, how you can see i now study english and our banks support any currency.
Then i start selling in the other ebays (again for the rule above). That is the way i learned that ebay Ireland for example charge me with 1,40 euro tax for listing on "free listing", that ebay India want to i go to India personal and to do bank account there(for which i must provide some bills from India - electricity, water, etc.) in order to can register paisapay which is required for selling there (still sorry that can`t sell there - it`s a great market) and learned many other things.
Yesterday i saw that other seller is wrote other new (for me) site few posts above in this topic and i spend all my free time to read his rules and when i finish will do one account there and will sell some items(i assume this will be my real market if they don`t lie for theys taxes and rules) . Today i see you are wrote new (for me) site (thanks for it), so when i finish reading rules on the last one will try him too.
So i learn and go ahead, but there is one little problem. See, for over 25 years i`m selling items and NEVER EVER i had leave unhappy client and for these over 25 years not even once client is told me "fraud". Since i start selling ebay call me "fraud" in every second message on one or another way even before i start selling ("you may sell no moret han ten items per month, because you may be fraud (or something similar). With same success the doctor must say "You can have not more than one child, because the other may be fraud" and to kill your second child (Thank God not ebay make the laws) but no matter how ebay treat me or call me i must clear my sells and to leave my clients happy and then to go if i want.
And even then i have rights. For example when i pay for some service i have right to use it. In our agreement with ebay i must pay some taxes and to follow some rules, but ebay must provide support. And what happened in one moment?
I follow the rules and pay the taxes and when i need support i must go home instead of ebay to provide this support.
Are you ok with this?
Because i`m not. Until i pay my invoices on time and follow the rules ebay have obligation to provide me support when and what i need.
So according to me in this case ebay must do his part now, not i to go home.
Speaking of which - today start the third day since no sign of life from the "support". No problem for me, but "dear my support" if someone of my clients start or escalate a case because i`m not refunding him don`t blame me - the fault will be yours. Will tell same on all my clients. Just note.
Sorry to all for the longest text in the world.
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09-22-2013 08:57 PM
okay,in all honesty,i couldn't figure out most of that,i'm sorry. if you'd like to try typing in your own language,i can probably get a translation fairly fast.
BUT,i think i can help with one thing. as far as i can see,your last sale was august 6th,is that correct? if so,then you SHOULD be safe from any dispute,because it's past the 45 day mark,i think.
i have NO idea how ebay works in bulgaria,it could be completely different than how it works HERE.
thank you for the apology,i appreciate it.:)
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09-23-2013 10:48 PM
You can`t understand my "English" or you can`t understand why i prefer to work in my language?
For the first one - point me the bad text and i`ll try to edit it (this will help me to improve my english, so will be great). For the second one - always is easier to read your language instead of foreign one.
45 days - yep, nobody can ask dispute from/with me, but this does not matter - has i told you for over 25 years i have not leaved unhappy client and i`m not going to start now. In other words i`ll pay one way or another in any case. Does not matter that no one can force me to pay. If i leave unhappy client for the other sellers will be bad too, for my name will be bad too, and etc.
See - here in Bulgaria we have one rule "If you want to sleep well, you have to eat your money". For over 25 years i sleep very well...
Nope, is not different, because have not such a things as "ebay Bulgaria" - i sell here in .com and in 3 or 4 other ebay`s sites (tomorrow will try to sell some items in the other site which give me the other seller several posts above in this topic).
It was about the fact that they promised me support but it turned out that I would have support if I learn a foreign language. How will you feel if i tell you "I`m paypal - pay me to offer you a service online payment "and then tell you "learn a foreign language to be able to use the service". But this is not a problem since i can learn english.
However - thanks you try to help me, but here the problem is with the system and i need someone who have access in it in order to repair the problem.
In this sense - the "support" in at least is live - today I received a response that says "this is not our problem, please contact paypal to get it repaired. We do not even have access to a PayPal account, to can see what's going on."
Can you believe this?
3 days waiting to say me "go beg paypal".
At least they reply...
Today begins the fourth day since there is no answer to my question to which is the second paypal account because I can not sell on
I start to think that they will not respond at all.
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09-23-2013 11:13 PM
you are my gal or guy. I am so outrages about how ebay treats their seller, who make the money for them.
I am out of my wits, I dont even know hot to start.
When I was selling $2000 or more in a month I was wearing the top sellers badge., As soon as my sellers went down I was worned that sellers porformance is bellow standerd. Some of my buyers open the case against me that he purchased an item in friday and this is monday and He did not received the item yet. I mean what is he expect??? Of course this is my fault.????!!!!!
They dont read, they are robots here.
Now my account is restricted indefinitly, I talk to them, they said we do not need sellers like you. I have review of over 500 and 8 or 9 of them nutrasl or negatives. I whish I could talk to some higher officials, whos hiring these robots.
Once they removed my list of one of my item, then I called 2 days later, saying why was my listing removed and other selling the same item?
Answer: I am really sorry,l it shouldn't have been removed.
T^hese are power hungry people sitting there and making our life deccissions.
I just needed to vent. This is way too much what ebay does to sellers.
I wish I know an other place to sell stuff. A BETTER PLACE!!!!
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09-24-2013 12:02 PM
okay,what i'm not understanding is a few things. you said you are paying taxes on various ebay sites,does that mean you are making sales on those sites?
and you said that you have talked to ebay uk customer service,is that right?
have you called paypal too,or just ebay?
honestly,i want to help you,i'll reread your posts later and let you know what i don't understand,and we'll work together so we understand each other,okay?
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09-24-2013 02:24 PM
Of course you are new to ebay.
Just wait awhile when you get some negative or neutral feedbacks.
You spoke too early Dear!!!!!!
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09-24-2013 11:55 PM
1-st Q - yes, and i already payd the invoices in the other ebay sites. Left to pay only to and where when i try to pay i get the error.
Few months ago i realize that in different ebay sites have different clients, which clients prefer different items. So i deside to sell in all ebays sites which are on english or to be more specific i deside to make more detail marketing research in which one ebay what items prefer the clients in order to find where and with what items i will have best profit. So i start selling same items in all ebay sites, and i saw that in some sites for this items clients don`t want the items and in other i sell with good profit same items.
My idea was to find other items for the sites where i could not sell anything, but then all things broke and since then i have only problems, because i had to contact this so called "Customer support".
2-nd Q - Nope, i called to support in, not in On i only sended the emails (actually i sended emails in .com, and to paypal, because i did`nt knew where is the problem ). When i call to first i had to go through automatic answering mashine and then i listen to the music and then my phone operator end the call. I went to my operator to see where is the problem and why they end the call and they told me that i have overdraft my mountly limits for phone calls. It turned out that for less than 10 minutes i have over $80 bill. In my country $80 are good salary for almost week work amd usually i have not more than $30 - $40 montly bill for my phone. So, i payd the phone bill (in order to have phone at all) and start writing emails.
3-rd Q - Nope, i call only to .com, in paypal on 2 or 3 days i have reply (which usually says how they can`t help me no matter what the issue is - for example the last night i received reply on my last Q. The question was - "how paypal accounts do i have and what are theyr email addresses". And the answer was "we don`t know how much accounts you have. We know only the email address from which you write to us and we have not where to verify".) Can you believe? If they can`t say who will can - the pope?!?
Ok, thanks, but no need. Don`t worry, i`ll manage alone. Today i`ll search in all my emails to find how much paypal accounts i have, i`ll find them, and then i`ll delete all of them. After i`ll contact with my client which i have to refund and will ask hin to give me some bank account, google wallet or some other way how to refund him and then i`ll delete all my ebay accounts.
I already made my first sale at the other site and I am happy - a good profit with no any problems. For any case i wrote a email to the support and guess - i had reply for less than 12 min.
So,end of story and goodbye ebay, i have items to sell and money to make, not to waste my time with "support" who does not know what he wants from me.
PS. Sorry for all this text to all people and one more word - anybody who have problems with this site - just make some search in google and you`ll have your problems solved, don`t waste your time to try to deal with this site - it`s not worth and will have no good results (or at least not this year).
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09-25-2013 10:42 AM
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09-25-2013 10:47 AM
good luck on the other site,walley,all the best to you!
i think you know exactly what you need to do,and it's a shame that ebay is losing you.
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09-25-2013 09:56 PM
Totally agree with you on this one. eBay is protecting, promoting, and allowing frauds and scams. It is being committed everyday on eBay by buyers but eBay does nothing about it because they too are doing the same thing.
eBay is beyond 100% unfair towards sellers that is why I stopped selling. You can complain to Customer Service but they will not do anything. They will transfer you around to different reps and you will have to explain your story again and again to all those reps and at the very end they still will not do anything and will just thank you for spending 6 hours with them on the phone.
Selling on eBay is a DO AT YOUR OWN RISK.
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09-26-2013 03:28 AM
I have several unbelievable horror stories from being a very small seller for 15 years. It is not a friendly place for sellers and the new seller dash board is ludicrious. I can clearly state in the body of the listing the specifics in shipping and payment as I am allowed as a seller given the specific considerations I am willing to enter into for the specifics of my life, my sales, and my items. Due diligence or the need to read the specifics of the selling agreement is never really a requirement of the buyer and the seller has to suffer the cost, loss, and destruction of property and more importantly time the seller must endure. I have some where in the area of 800 sales or more and one negative showing. I have had in actuality only 3 negative feed backs in total. Because I only met the requirements under my auctions due to time constraints with my actual occupation, buyers poo pooed shipping and other specifics due mostly to buyers remorse, my selling privileges were terminated for my seller dash board being below acceptable specs. There is no due diligence required on the part of the buyers and most situations were either dismissed or decided in my favor, yet the specifics of the unbalanced dash board rating remained. I had two complaints of "not as described" which is amazing because I got to the point where all I put was the name of the item and about 20 hi rez pictures of every angle, but buyers remorse being what it is and those with out balance knowing that the only way to get around clearly stated return policies is to file not as described. These incidences involved feedback extortion that was undeniable on the part of ebay and the unbalanced buyer did not get any resolution via the resolution process, but yet the not as described tally remained. Now my selling priveledges have been terminated as a result of these two incidences that were sided in my favor. I got an email from ebay stating my funds my be held for a period as a result of my low dashboard score. Hello, ebay, my selling privileges have been terminated, I could care less since I will sell nothing. Here is the letter I sent back, but it will most likely never reach human eyes, and if it should, I doubt they will be hooked to a brain that can grasp fairness and reason for both parties of any transaction. I will continue to buy on ebay, because the liberties are never ending for buyers, but I will most likely never sell on the site ever again.
This is the correspondence sent back to Ebay after them informing me my funds may be with held from sales I am not longer allowed to list on the sight. Seems unneccessary information, but wasting sellers (and once were sellers) time seems to be a large component of the service Ebay offers.
My selling privileges have been terminated by ebay after close to 15 years selling on the service. Ebay has, in my opinion, given the buyer too much leverage and has provided unreasonable people too large of a stick to beat up small sellers who have unique and one of a kind items. This in the long run will diminish the value of ebay as a service to buyers who are looking for hard to find items. As things stand right now, it is not a reasonable or rational place for small sellers to market their unwanted or unneeded items. I have more than full time steady employment and all my auctions were set up with in ebay under allowances to reflect rational time frames to ship items out given the life I lead. Because the seller dash board allows buyers to bubble in less than favorable replies on many facets that are clearly stated in the auction, it removes the buyers due diligence to understand and comply with in reason when specifics are clearly stated. I can, as a seller, full fill every aspect of the agreement under the specifics of the listing, but the buyer can still express dissatisfaction because they did not execute due diligence to read the entirety of the listing that is crafted on my part to reflect that which I am capable of performing given the specifics of my life. The seller dash board is a unreasonable and and irrational stick placed in the hands of some buyers who lack understanding, consideration, and diligence to read the specifics of the auction. I am done with dealing with a service that executes and utilizes scrutiny with no recourse or balance for the selling side of the legal agreement. It will take time, since ebay is a very large well established service, but the fruits of this lack of balance will eventually come and the service has lost and will continual to lose sellers who have one off items to sell but will not subject themselves to ill willed feelings and whims of some buyers who have been given far too much leverage. I imagine in time ebay will rectify this situation, but I would like to see another service rise and take a large portion of market share and possible lead to the name ebay not being something people will know or remember. If any person, business, or corporation, loses sight to respect any of the those small individuals who built it's or their success over a long period of time, I guess I would like to see it dissolve or become insolvent as a result of the poor decisions made. I as a consumer who occasionally uses online selling venues, I will put what efforts I can to ensure short sighted companies perish and ones with balance and over all consideration succeed. I have several first hand testimonies of egregiously horrible behavior on the part of the service and I will do what I can to promote and perpetuate consumer awareness. I would like to see the birth and success of a company and service that is both balanced and fair, and I will do what I can to hasten this process.
Thank you
my full name
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09-26-2013 07:22 AM
Yes.....Maybe to fair......If i were some of you sellers, I would take some Business Classes in Sales....Some of you are terrible when describing a product and most of you don't know what Maket Value is....
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09-28-2013 12:10 PM
Wish we could all band together and sue.....I have been with them since the very beginning and they have Banned me permantly from selling due to some buyers leaving 4 starts instead of 5.......Mind you, this was 2 people in 16 years.... They will NOT support any small time sellers.....They only work with high dollar people anymore.... Good luck and I hope we can all get together on another site to sell!!!!!