12-29-2021 01:00 PM
Thanks for joining us for the Weekly Chat with eBay Staff. We don't have a specific topic this week, so feel free to share any general buying or selling questions you may have.
The chat thread will remain open until 2 PM PT at which point we'll close it from additional responses. After that time, we'll continue to work on responding to any queries that might still be unanswered.
To post your question, click Reply in the lower right corner of this post, type your question, and hit submit between 1-2 PM Pacific Time. The format of our chat mirrors the format of our Community Discussion Boards, where each post will appear in the thread chronologically. The Community Team will review each question as it comes in, and will quote the original question in our reply. This quote and the reply will appear later in the thread, so just keep scrolling down to see our answers.
Missed the chat? Send your questions to the podcast by calling 888-723-4630 or email us at podcast@ebay.com and maybe your questions will make it on the air! Or listen to past episodes while you wait for next Wednesday!
12-29-2021 01:26 PM
@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:
I've brought this up before, here it is again: At the December Seller Check In we were given some general info about marketing campaigns for 2022, including TV ads, radio ads for ebay Motors featuring Ray from Car Talk....it would really be considerate if ebay shared these with the Community, maybe as Announcements...so we wouldn't have to hunt around online trying to find what our partner is doing to promote the site.
Thanks for the reminder @my-cottage-books-and-antiques - we're on the same page and I've made similar requests this year and in year's previous. I know that our plan when/if we receive those is to share them with you on our 'What's New' board (link here).
12-29-2021 01:27 PM
@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:
with the renewed focus on stores, it would be nice if the Community Team gave us the option to either "see seller's other listings" OR go to the seller's store home page. Also, I notice the Promotions page---for Markdown Manager, etc---does not have a link back to our store home page. if ebay is going to start focusing on stores, it would help if people had easy access to the stores home page. And, related to that, how about Social Media links (similar to those on listing pages) for the Store Home Page and About Page?
Hey @my-cottage-books-and-antiques! I know that from the Community 'About' page you can click the link to view their listings ([Feedback number, star] View listings). Once taken to the sellers listings, you could click into their store at the top of the screen. Is there another area you're saying you want to be able to click to view a posters listings?
With the Promotions, Markdown sale, etc. pages in the Hub, are you saying you want a direct link to your Store aside from clicking the Store tab at the top of the screen? If so, my guess is they assume sellers will click the Store tab so a separate link isn't necessary.
As for the desire to have Social Media links on the Store and About screens, I can definitely pass that insight on.
12-29-2021 01:33 PM
@rockmore-music-gear wrote:
I recently got a banner in the Seller Hub that mentions needing a Social Security Number. The link goes to https://kycremedyweb.ebay.com/remedy-landing... The link looks suspicious, is this legit? Just trying to stay safe. Thanks.
Hey @rockmore-music-gear! If you're in the Seller Hub then you should be safe. You always want to be wary with emails and instead of clicking links, come direct to the site. I know that there are times where sellers meet thresholds though that require a full social security number, so this sounds legit and you should be good to go.
12-29-2021 01:34 PM
Thanks tyler@ebay It would really be nice to have that marketing info here. I've never understood ebay's refusal (so far) to go along with this simple request. But then, there's a lot about ebay I don't understand LOL
12-29-2021 01:35 PM
@valueaddedresource wrote:
Terapeak Sourcing Insights has never worked for me for any eBay Motors categories since it rolled out in April - will this be fixed now that Parts & Accessories is the next big vertical focus?
Hi @valueaddedresource - I hadn't heard about this, but I'll share with the product team and let you know if I hear back!
12-29-2021 01:35 PM
Thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it!
12-29-2021 01:37 PM
@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:
Any time line on Social Media referral reduced FVF promised last year? ebay has been very quiet about that.
Unfortunately we don't have any information about this @my-cottage-books-and-antiques. Also tagging @valueaddedresource since they asked a similar question.
12-29-2021 01:38 PM - last edited on 12-29-2021 02:25 PM by tyler@ebay
Can ebay make it easier for Buyers to leave feedback? I noticed that our purchasing person never leaves feedback. I asked why, and she said it's too time consuming. So I offered to do it. When I went to the first order, I clicked Positive, then 5 stars, but the middle section demands a comment. I assumed you'd offer the saved feedback drop down menu that we use as a seller, but there isn't one. You could either make the comment optional, or offer stored comments for buyers.
The owner here asks why we have so few feedbacks in relation to the number of sales. I leave feedback for every buyer as soon as I see the item has been delivered. I know that many people say feedback doesn't really matter anymore, but it does for new sellers and to increase selling limits.
Edit: A reply to your question can be found here
12-29-2021 01:42 PM
@my-cottage-books-and-antiques wrote:
tyler@ebay "when our regular code freeze has ended"
Could you share with us just when the regular code freeze ends?
Hi @my-cottage-books-and-antiques - the exact dates fluctuate from year to year (and aren't shared with me) but in general the freeze is from late October/early November through the New Year. There are exceptions for regular maintenance or emergencies, but new product releases or rollouts shouldn't be released during that time frame.
01:45 PM
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02:24 PM
Hi Everyone.
My question this week is about the forums themselves.
Why is it that an OP can mark their own response as the solution?
There is a block that won’t allow to mark our own post as helpful, so why is the former an option.
I think many responders see a thread as ‘solved’ and move on to the next question. I hazard a guess that many times it isn’t even intentional, I did it myself once. Luckily, I was given instructions how to undo it.
Happy New Year.
Edit: A reply to your question can be found here.
01:46 PM
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02:44 PM
velvet@ebay "With the Promotions, Markdown sale, etc. pages in the Hub, are you saying you want a direct link to your Store aside from clicking the Store tab at the top of the screen? If so, my guess is they assume sellers will click the Store tab so a separate link isn't necessary."
I'm not talking about pages in Seller Hub. I'm talking about the page my sale is actually on. I'm running one now, so here's a link: https://www.ebay.com/sme/my-cottage-books-and-antiques/Extra-20-off/so.html?_soffType=CodedCouponOff...
This is a public coded coupon promotion. Not all my items are part of the promotion, this page shows ONLY items that are part of the promotion. Notice that there is no simple way to go back to my store home page from this page. (Yes, a buyer could click on an item, go to the listing, and go to the store home page from there, but why? Why not have a direct link at the top of the promo page?)
You also say: "I know that from the Community 'About' page you can click the link to view their listings ([Feedback number, star] View listings). Once taken to the sellers listings, you could click into their store at the top of the screen. Is there another area you're saying you want to be able to click to view a posters listings?" I am saying the store home page now contains more features than just a list of sellers listings....the stores team has put a lot of work into upgrading the home page, so why can't the Community Team provide an additional link directly to the Stores Home Page rather than just to "sellers listings"? Give us a choice of clicking on "Sellers Listings" (after all, not everyone ahs a store) or "Sellers Store" (or use the little store door icon). Design should be all about making things simple---I shouldn't have to click to a page of listings, then click a listing, then click "See Store"....I should be able to click "See store"....one click.
Edit: A reply to your question can be found here.
12-29-2021 01:50 PM - last edited on 12-29-2021 02:39 PM by tyler@ebay
If you have time, I have stupid question I've been wondering about.
Why, when I search Lenox Rhodora Dinner Plate does eBay change it to lenox rhodora dinner plate? Do you not capital letters or proper spelling or is this just a thing the site does? It's annoying if I meant to copy that first and the site changes it.
Edit: A reply to your question can be found here
12-29-2021 01:53 PM
@gwzcomps wrote:
tyler@ebay Every time I am supposed to have TRS protections on a return I have to hassle support and get automatically denied. Then fight some more to get the policies enforced.
As a buyer if I have to return something the feedback almost always gets instantly removed after the return is over even if it is positive.
The not filing false claims policy isn't even enforced so why have it? Seems like a lot of things eBay does are for show to hide their real dark intentions.
Hi @gwzcomps - I'm sorry that things have been a struggle with protections that are spelled out here. I can only encourage you to contact CS if there are difficulties with a return.
12-29-2021 01:54 PM
@valueaddedresource wrote:
Any update on sending coupons to buyer groups? That was supposed to be coming in October according to the Fall update.
Hey @valueaddedresource! You should be able to send a coupon to one or more buyers on eBay who have previously purchased or shown interest in your item(s). Hopefully this page will help.
12-29-2021 01:54 PM - last edited on 12-29-2021 03:01 PM by tyler@ebay
Hi Tyler. Happy -not quite- New Year!
Thanks for sticking with us all through 2021. I am so grateful you are still with the Weekly Chat. You have continued to be a touchstone by your commitment to us sellers that look to you, and the others on the Chat team, for answers, ....or as a catalyst on issues that hit a wall elsewhere, .....or simply as an ear for us to voice concerns.
That being said, sorry for the hard turn of this post to the not-so-nice.
On Dec 2oth, I had a Selling announcement about 1099 forms. I've carefully read info presented on the landing page for the the link given on my Seller Hub Overview page. https://community.ebay.com/t5/Announcements/New-1099-K-tax-reporting-requirements/ba-p/32556521
A few days ago, a banner has appeared that contradicts what I read. In a ominously deep red colored alert, it is asking(? ) insisting(?) I now must divulge more personal data. I onboarded to MP in 2021. Reluctantly. I dragged my feet till I was given no choice but to finally onboard, because I didn't want to stop using Paypal for the all my eBay activity. Paypal provided a safe financial data barrier for my personal data, financial identity etc. It gave me a huge sense of trust. I had concerns then, but was cautiously relieved that eBay assured me at the time of onboarding, eBay was not asking for nor would ebay be managing such sensitive personal data. That wariness proved valid.
When I, and other sellers, share feelings of mistrust when policy change happens, it is these discrepancies of information that not be occurring.
Edit: A reply to your comments can be found here