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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

Can't list anything.  The image uploader is taking forever and then it gives an internal error message(SD009).  No way to contact customer support either because they don't open until 8am EST....



Message 1 of 139
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138 REPLIES 138

Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

Having the same issue.  So irritating.  Have hundreds of items to list today 😞

Message 2 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

I am also experiencing the same problem this morning.  I have had to re-picture multiple times on both listings I have done and they are taking forever to load. Both on my iPhone and when editing on my computer (Mac). UGGGGHHHHH!

Message 3 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

Me too, this is very frustrating. Ebay needs to get there stuff together 🙄

Message 4 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

Same issue here too. (UK)

Message 5 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

its an absolute pain. sometimes it loads images, the next listing it refuses to upload any images. no comment on it from eBay yet its been happening since 6am this morning.

Message 6 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

I'm having the same issue, I tried to upload photos on my mac and iphone. I'm getting same error. 

Message 7 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

Same problem here, they'll likely fix it in an hour is what I guesstimate since they'll open then and probably look into the support tickets. It's really a pain though. I have to list over 300 items today and sometimes uploading the same image to a single listing multiple times fixes the issue for me. It's just random it seems

Message 8 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

ebay chat were next to no help. 48-78 hours until they can confirm what the issue is. by then I guess they would have fixed the bug. they were not even willing to admit there was an issue for multiple users.

Message 9 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

Same problem here too. About half my pictures actually upload from my computer, the rest have an error. If go back and try to reload the error pictures, it messes up the ones that loaded the first time.  Nothing at all will load from the Mobile app or any of my other devices. This is the only day I have to list, so this is seriously going to impact my sales next week. Hope they fix it soon. 

Message 10 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

Same issue for me too. 😕

Message 11 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

I have been able to list a few items but it is slow going since I keep getting the error message.  Very frustrating.    Going to call CS now.  

Message 12 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

Woke up a bit earlier than usual today to get an early start on posting up items and then this happens. Definitely frustrating. Any update on what's going on?

Message 13 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

on the phone right now with customer service.  she had me check other browsers and i told her I'm getting the message on Chrome and Edge.  She's checking if a ticket has already been created for this issue.  I'll post again with what she tells me.

Message 14 of 139
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Can't upload photos to Listings- Keep getting Internal Error Message

So, Ebay tried listing items and got the same error.  They are working on the technical problem now. 

Message 15 of 139
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