10-20-2017 12:21 AM
I sold a item to a buyer, he paid I shipped WITH TRACKING number, the item tracking number says DELIVERED. The buyer now tells me he did not get the item and has opened up case against me and paypal is now holding my money.
What am I to do, I shipped the item with a tracking number and it has been delivered, can this buyer still leave me bad feedback ect and how do I get paypal to stop the hold on my money. Also is this going to go against my ebay account.
I told the buyer that the tracking number shows DELIVERED, I told the buyer to talk to his postmaster and he said he did, he told me the postmaster said they never saw the package.... To me that not right at all, it had to be at the post office to be scanned. What would you ppl do ???
10-20-2017 12:29 AM
Respond to the request with the tracking number and then CALL EBAY and have it closed in your favour while you are on the phone..Don't let it time out and don't put off calling them..
This should be EZ-PZ for you...
10-20-2017 12:35 AM
I will call them tommorow when they are open, this was delivered to a PO box,, does this matter ?? ALSO will the buyer still be able to slam me with NEG feedback even though I did nothing wrong ?
10-20-2017 02:24 AM
I work for USPS. Each and every delivery scan has a GPS point. I doubt that the Postmaster said that the package was never there if it was scanned delivered by one of his clerks (for the Box section) or carriers.
If it were me I would call the buyers O myself and ask about it. Wait until around 10 am so he or she has their cariers off to their routes and things calm down. Give him/her a run down of what the buyer said and the tracking number. They may even be able to e-mail you the info so you can forward it to the messages. Claiming non delivery with this proof would be hard and may even be considered mail fraud.
10-20-2017 02:28 AM
f they do leave a Neg. reply calmly with the facts, cut and paste the delivery info as your reply.
10-20-2017 03:32 AM
When a buyer opens a case and it is ruled in the sellers favor doesn't that take away the buyers ability to leave any feedback at all? If the buyer does leave feedback doesn't it qualify for removal?
10-20-2017 03:43 AM
OP~~I don't really want to go off track with this but I just looked at your listings. I've never thought about listing duplicate items the way you do but can you list duplicates of items by just have a few cents difference in price, list some as fixed price and duplicates as auctions, etc? I'd be afraid to do that to sidestep the duplicate listing policy~~with my luck I'd get my account suspended.
10-20-2017 03:53 AM
10-20-2017 09:04 AM
I would enter the tracking number in the case then call eBay. Slam dunk seller win.
10-20-2017 10:27 AM
10-20-2017 10:41 AM
I agree with duchess. I have had 2 tracked items mailed to my PO box and not arrive. When I checked tracking it showed delivered. When I had the postmistress do a physical search, they were mis-filed and I had not been given a notice card to pick up. All ended well.
10-20-2017 11:04 AM
@kattinsanity wrote:OP~~I don't really want to go off track with this but I just looked at your listings. I've never thought about listing duplicate items the way you do but can you list duplicates of items by just have a few cents difference in price, list some as fixed price and duplicates as auctions, etc? I'd be afraid to do that to sidestep the duplicate listing policy~~with my luck I'd get my account suspended.
As far as I can tell its a policy violation http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/listing-multi.html
10-20-2017 11:56 AM
I've seen other sellers do it too but I also saw it as a policy violation. It was nothing I dared to do. These sellers will leave out a model # on 1 listing & list the model # on another listing, change the words in the title around a little, put a different price on each listing, etc. but they are still duplicate listings.
10-20-2017 12:08 PM
I had a buyer not too long ago who was a new member. She had a post office box address. The mistake she made was in renting a box at a post office in her city with a different zip than where she lived. The address she supplied with her payment contained the box # BUT gave her physical home zip code. After traveling between CA. & Co. for a month the platter finally found her but was in a million pieces by then. She realized it was her fault so she never came back on me for a refund.
We had a part time girl working at our post office who helped sort mail. The box #'s were marked on her side of the wall but she kept putting the mail in the box under where they were marked instead of into the correct boxes above the #. It was a real mess until she finally "got it right".
You never know what may have happened.
10-20-2017 01:15 PM
I called ebay today and they closed the case on the spot as the tracking number said delivered. Thanks for all the help and advice.