USPS getting brutal with packages
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09-07-2020 08:29 AM
We sell a lot of fragile items so we pack super well, my girl who does all the packing learned from a high end store and she does a great job you can just look at all our feed backs and see the comments that are left for the packing jobs she has done. In the last month we have had 3 items break which is very rare so I asked 2 people one at the post office and one that works in a distribution center if they have heard about a increase in breakage. Both responded with a absolute yes and have said that the new Postmaster General DeJoy has made a lot of people unhappy and also said that there are people there who back him in trying to make people think that using mail in voting is unsafe and they are beating the **bleep** out of packages, envelopes ect. So I have shifted more to Fedex whenever I can make the cost work out. I did see the note from ebay saying we should seek alternative shipping due to the issues with USPS. I thought it was just delay issues but it's more than that so I suggest to over pack well when shipping USPS.
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09-15-2020 04:01 PM
Oh funny!!!!
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09-15-2020 04:03 PM
I am with the Senator who was on the investigation team who looked Mr joyful in the eyes and said, “What the heck are you doing?”
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09-16-2020 04:21 AM
@vintagecraze50 wrote:Yep a horrible pick that was planned from the start I believe and most Americans I believe know the score. I hope this whole thing backfires in you know who’s face.
DeJoy gave 'you know who' 2.5 million dollars, 'you know who' gave him the job. Both are actively wanting USPS to fail. DeJoy owns between 35 and 70 million dollards of stock in XPO a trucking company with USPS contracts and UPS.
While he is using USPS funds to boost his trucking company (XPO got 4+mil in 2018 and 3+ mil in 2019 for the past 10 week period this year under DeJoy they were paid over 14 mil). I think his real goal is to get the multi BILLION dollar perscription drug contract with the VA switched to UPS so he personally can benefit.
And of course 'you know who' wants to curtail voting by mail. In the primaries they closed down thousands of polling places in primarily minority heavy areas leaving people standing in line for hours to vote. Voting by mail negates this ploy, and if they can state that USPS can't handle the load they can win.
VOTE EARLY, and if you can drop that ballot at your Election board drop box or into a Post Office drop box in an affluent area.
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09-16-2020 04:30 AM
@animal-house-8 wrote:We sell a lot of fragile items so we pack super well, my girl who does all the packing learned from a high end store and she does a great job you can just look at all our feed backs and see the comments that are left for the packing jobs she has done. In the last month we have had 3 items break which is very rare so I asked 2 people one at the post office and one that works in a distribution center if they have heard about a increase in breakage. Both responded with a absolute yes and have said that the new Postmaster General DeJoy has made a lot of people unhappy and also said that there are people there who back him in trying to make people think that using mail in voting is unsafe and they are beating the **bleep** out of packages, envelopes ect. So I have shifted more to Fedex whenever I can make the cost work out. I did see the note from ebay saying we should seek alternative shipping due to the issues with USPS. I thought it was just delay issues but it's more than that so I suggest to over pack well when shipping USPS.
Frankly I don't think the workers are intentionally beating up packages (I have been working for USPS for 20 years). There are just SO many packages. Even 5 years ago I never would have dreamed of the day when I was routinely delivering cases of Monster energy drinks, 50# bags of dog food, 50# cases of cat litter, heavy prime pantry boxes. It's a rare day that I can see out my windows leaving the Post Office for the route. It's not uncommon for me to have to deliver a 3849 saying that I just couldn't fit all the packages in the Jeep and theirs is waiting pick-up at the Post Office. Heck I am getting packages that just singly will not fit in my Jeep.
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09-16-2020 07:35 AM
I think the morale issue rightfully started with the pandemic. Especially here in NYC, nobody wanted to be outside and these brave people continued their service as some Post Offices were closing and the standard procedures had to be altered for safety. All due respect is given...The issue of packages and the guys in the package trucks is completely different though, as I run to the PO before they close I see them just killing time until 5pm. I also see trucks delivering boxes multiple times to a block whereas FedEX or UPS or even Amazon bang out the entire block in a straight line. They don't return to the same block twice in a day. Regardless of all that, the Ebay package slowdown has to do with less internal runs of package within the system, which can be directly attributed to covid. I doubt that the issue is caused by alleged insider trading by the Post Master General. If the USPS is going to become self-sufficient it's going to take a leader from outside the government with knowledge of how profitable delivery systems work. The president is correct when he says that the USPS made too many sweetheart deals with major firms. On Poshmark you can ship up to 5lbs in any USPS box to anywhere in the country for $7.11, I just sent out a glass set of the same weight to the west coast, USPS wanted $23! Whether I like the price or not, $23 is more accurate than $7.
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09-16-2020 07:40 AM
Yes, the fragile stickers mean ' throw it more '. I've heard of people being charged extra when they clerk asks if the package is fragile...As I have had to search for better options myself, I have been checking the FedEx prices on most packages now. They have consistently beat out the USPS price by 1/2! The savings is so great that you can afford to pay the extra fee of having them pick it up from you.
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09-16-2020 07:50 AM
Surely you don't think that the Post Master General ordered the undelivered mail to be dumped in a parking lot? Whomever did that is not too clever, and they will certainly get caught. That was a deliberate act that was done in plain sight as some sort of tactic. I would venture a guess that it was either a particular sender's mail that was supposed to go out and never made it so the worker's dumped it or they are phony packages. I would eat my hat if they find any USPS worker was involved in that. Simply because I think they would be smarter than to dump it on the street, not even in black bags or in to a dumpster.
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09-16-2020 07:55 AM
I sincerely appreciate everything you are doing to get these items to people. You guys are real heroes, as much as any of the medical workers during this Pandemic. You all certainly did not need to be treated this way with overloaded jeeps and all this anxiety and frustration. I salute you with the utmost respect.
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09-16-2020 07:56 AM
Here in NYC, every public school and some churches are voting centers. No one ever waited in line to vote, the places are pretty empty in general because there are so many. Not sure why voting all of a sudden became a wealth-class issue. For what it's worth, there are more schools and places to vote in the poorest neighborhoods here.
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09-16-2020 07:59 AM
Being a mail carrier during this time is a very brutal physically and mentally demanding job. They deserve EVERY CENT THEY GET PAID TO THIS THIS.
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09-16-2020 08:01 AM
Your points are well taken and understood. My question is: Is there any consideration to having the heavy packages on the bottom of the truck, or does it solely matter on the order in which it has to come off? I can see how all of those 50lb boxes are a burden. I do not think the USPS should be doing that added back breaking work on top of their already difficult job. Would you be in favor of lowering the package weight limits for the USPS?
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09-16-2020 08:03 AM
Idk—I read in the past that some workers are getting so frustrated with getting this stuff out that they would risk being fired becuase THEY CANNOT GET ALL THIS STUFF DELIVERED. How could a non postal employee get their hands on those packages.?
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09-16-2020 08:07 AM
Dejoy has too many financial interests that collide with the legal running of the USPS. What he is doing could be completely illegal. Laws state they government officials cannot have all of these financial conflicts of interest when they hold that position.
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09-16-2020 08:12 AM
They have been told to half fill their trucks even though there is more mail to be delivered so as to not go overtime. That may explain why there are multiple trips down the same block. Or, they SIMPLY Cannot LOAD EVERYTHING IN ONE TRIP, as OUR POSTER read about horses, stated in an earlier post.
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09-16-2020 11:49 AM
@vintagecraze50 wrote:Oh boy! I just read a news article that was on I think CNN that showed a huge truck with a guy dumping packages and mail on the ground behind some kind of business and driving away. It may be worse than anybody can imagine and the most completely insane thing is that THIS GUY IS GETTING AWAY WITH HIS blatant plans to disrupt the election and get rich off his stock investments.
I saw that too. That was a contract truck (wonder if it was XPO hmmmm), The mail was noticed very quickly and retrieved by USPS and delivered.