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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

Hi again.


Not sure if this has been an issue all along, but I could swear when I got back into listing things a few weeks ago, there wasn't even an option for Flat Rate boxes. I even read forum posts about the elimination of USPS boxes A & B or something like that being done away with.


Today, I intended to quickly list some items from my drafts, all ready to go, but received an error on the first one. The shipping had been changed from Priority Mail to First Class in my drafts, so I went to fix it and noticed that I can now choose Flat Rate boxes, but only Med & Large AND their dimensions are incorrect


In the recent past, I just chose "Standard Shipping: Small to Medium Items" and then "Calculated: Cost varies based on buyer's location" and then "Domestic Services: USPS Priority Mail" because I could never find a flat rate option. 


If the dimensions are wrong, then what about the cost?


The cost range for the Med Flat Rate box in the drop-down is higher (only pennies for the higher end but vastly more expensive in the lower end $9.80 vs $17.10) than the plain "USPS Priority Mail" service option. I don't want to rip off my buyers, but I don't want to lose money either.


If I type in the correct dimensions and choose a flat rate box, will it even matter? 


I feel like this is overly complicated because of peekaboo options appearing now that were not there before or I would have already posted about it lol, and those options not being correct causing me to question what my buyers are going to see and be charged. 


Please help. 






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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

Your images show a package that's 1 pound 6 ounces.  The regular 2-pound rate for Priority Mail will always be cheaper than the postage cost for a Medium flat-rate box. So in that particular case, you can ignore any issues related to the flat rate boxes.


Dimensions have no effect on Priority Mail rates unless the package has either (1) a length greater than 22 inches; or (2) a volume greater than 1 cubic foot (i.e., 1728 cubic inches), so accuracy doesn't matter.


Yes, USPS has dropped the Regional A & B boxes. If you have leftover boxes, you can use them and pay the regular Priority Mail rates, based on weight and distance.


Here's another, fancy complication which will matter if you decide to use flat rate boxes or envelopes:  eBay's wacky programmers have recently introduced a completely unnecessary hoop to jump through for sellers who want to use Priority Mail flat rate packaging: Sellers must enter specific package dimensions which correspond to the dimensions of the flat rate package. This is what member wastingtime101 wrote about the situation:

eBay made an unannounced change related to setting up listings with certain types of packaging. When package dimensions entered exceed eBay's programmed dimensions, eBay will not show you those shipping options when setting up your listing.

To access these services, enter the following package dimensions:

USPS Flat Rate Envelopes: 12x9x1
USPS Small Flat Rate Box: 8x5x1
USPS Med Flat Rate Box: 14x12x3
USPS Large Flat Rate Box: 12x12x6
eBay Standard Envelope: 11x6x0.25

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Message 2 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

Your images show a package that's 1 pound 6 ounces.  The regular 2-pound rate for Priority Mail will always be cheaper than the postage cost for a Medium flat-rate box. So in that particular case, you can ignore any issues related to the flat rate boxes.


Dimensions have no effect on Priority Mail rates unless the package has either (1) a length greater than 22 inches; or (2) a volume greater than 1 cubic foot (i.e., 1728 cubic inches), so accuracy doesn't matter.


Yes, USPS has dropped the Regional A & B boxes. If you have leftover boxes, you can use them and pay the regular Priority Mail rates, based on weight and distance.


Here's another, fancy complication which will matter if you decide to use flat rate boxes or envelopes:  eBay's wacky programmers have recently introduced a completely unnecessary hoop to jump through for sellers who want to use Priority Mail flat rate packaging: Sellers must enter specific package dimensions which correspond to the dimensions of the flat rate package. This is what member wastingtime101 wrote about the situation:

eBay made an unannounced change related to setting up listings with certain types of packaging. When package dimensions entered exceed eBay's programmed dimensions, eBay will not show you those shipping options when setting up your listing.

To access these services, enter the following package dimensions:

USPS Flat Rate Envelopes: 12x9x1
USPS Small Flat Rate Box: 8x5x1
USPS Med Flat Rate Box: 14x12x3
USPS Large Flat Rate Box: 12x12x6
eBay Standard Envelope: 11x6x0.25

Message 2 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

Holy smokes!

Thank you so much!

I'm going to save what you passed on from wastingtime101.


However, you mentioned exceeding 22" in length. Ebay has Large Flat Rate boxes as 24" (twice as long as they really are and over the 22" threshold). So, I definitely won't be choosing the Large Flat Rate option until they fix that. Not that they'll announce it lol.


But also, is there a chart or go-to page so I can learn about this that you said? " The regular 2-pound rate for Priority Mail will always be cheaper than the postage cost for a Medium flat-rate box." Or is it just something you've learned over time?


Thanks again for your help.


P.S. As a cherry topping, and after sitting in my drafts for almost a week, eBay not only changed my shipping to 1st Class Mail, they also added a pretty red banner to this particular item claiming that I can't list it because it's been recalled. Based in their own recall link, it has not been recalled. There are also 51 of them listed right now. I'm just shaking my head at this point.

Message 3 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

@ltldpr wrote: ... . Ebay has Large Flat Rate boxes as 24" (twice as long as they really are and over the 22" threshold). So, I definitely won't be choosing the Large Flat Rate option until they fix that. Not that they'll announce it lol.


But also, is there a chart or go-to page so I can learn about this that you said? " The regular 2-pound rate for Priority Mail will always be cheaper than the postage cost for a Medium flat-rate box." Or is it just something you've learned over time? ....

Here's a link to the official USPS rates document, Notice 123.  Notice that the first section is "retail" prices, which is what you'd pay at the Post Office counter, and then a later section for Commercial (AKA online) rates.  However, eBay's Priority rates are sometimes a little bit lower than the published USPS rates (IIRC it's Zones 1 - 4, up to 5 pounds), so you can also check specific weight/size packages in the eBay shipping calculator, see second link.


USPS until recently did offer a Large flat rate box that was 24 inches long (AKA "Board game" box). They have discontinued making them but will honor the flat rate price for the existing boxes until they're used up. That 24-inch dimension won't affect the price that buyers are charged for the flat rate box.

Message 4 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

Thank you very much.


I don't know which one of your replies I should mark as the best answer - because they're both very good & informative. 


Have a great day and thanks again!

Message 5 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

I just posted a similar question, but found that when  I tried to find the option for a small flat rate box the only way that showed up was to not use the calculator at all and chose set cost. I then went to USPS site and found that a small flat rate box at the PO would cost $10.20, I entered that amount. Hope I am right!

Message 6 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

I noticed that there's an option for small flat rate box for me today. (And for whatever reason, I can click preview & list, but nothing happens when I try to save as a draft.)


And, one of my older drafts was set to 1st Class again. I definitely did not do that. 


It seems like they are constantly changing things, including things we set in our draft listings.


I hope you're right too.


I think I'm going to do what you did and see what happens. The calculated shipping using the set (but incorrect) amounts and set (but incorrect) dimensions is too aggravating. Hopefully, fixed price works better.


Message 7 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

Yeah, the missing small flat rate box option will automagically re-appear if you mess around with the dimensions and sort of force the issue with the software, or something. Weird, but it works.


How much is a small FRB priority now? Over $10? Ouch.

Message 8 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

Current postage cost for the USPS small flat rate box is $10.20 retail, $8.55 Commercial (online), and $8.10 through eBay postage labels.

Message 9 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

Thank you for sharing - sadly this is not working for all of us while listing - you can modify it in the labels. I have tried the small rate measurements suggested and various versions just cant get it to work in the last few months. (I don't use templates on individual antiques that vary greatly in description.)  


 I spent an hour today reporting to a Shipping Supervisor , after having to speak to another first - sadly not US based so frankly she didn't know about it or didn't understand the level of concern we have .

Reality is this goes far beyond not being able to offer this flat rate box. It can make or break a sale or an account . Today I had a sale to West Coast and was able to refund $2 to buyer which was warranted on a $30 item - shipping out west is prohibitive. We are encouraged to offer affordable shipping but excluding this essential USPS box from the offerings is unacceptable, unprofessional & blocking sales- its been going on for almost a year and reported many times since the fall. Its not enough to use the padded envelope as a substitution as that can create other problems if lost and size is different anyway.

Many of us were well stocked with USPS packaging prior to & beginning of Covid anticipating shortages.

Its one of the few flat rate boxes that USPS offers free at locations.


USPS is on the brink of collapse and still isn't level. The more we can do to support the Post Office in having volume & success helps all down the chain esp postal employees to hold onto their jobs and keep deliveries regular . It also combats our Primary Sales competitor.  If Ebay has the contract then we need to have access & use it.  We already have lost out on Reg A & B.

We need to drive sales to Ebay not away. If IT can explore a new imaging search option it can certainly fix a simple yet serious and discourteous error. I explained it wastes a lot of sellers' time having to read through postings to get the facts and solutions.

I finally realized my sales are being impacted for 2/3 the country and I am very very frustrated & disappointed. With a shipping calculator and system that cannot auto select economy based on destination it is very difficult . It even suggests a larger box after I put in other dimensions so I think it is hijacking itself on top of everything. I cant believe who ever designed this didnt figure that out unless they are trying to make more money on a larger box...

On the East Coast it makes no sense to set UPS as default for a 3 lb package whereas if a W C buyer clicks BIN and its set to USPS they suddenly end up with a very expensive bill that then I have to juggle, do damage control and try to redirect through UPS or another step down choice. I dont want to get negative marks for unreasonable shipping .  Lets hope Ebay heard me, 24 yrs of loyalty has to count for something!

Message 10 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

Miracle of miracles

I found the small flat rate box has been added to the shipping list in listing tool, but past Fedex as last option. Not ideal placement but I'll take it ! 😁

Message 11 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

Update - had trouble again and just discovered if you already have Priority listed as a choice

when you try to add Sm Flat rate it doesnt show at all in the list and wont allow - regardless of the measurements.

if you have First Class as 1st Choice, then try to add sm flat rate it does show up at the very end past Fedex.

One should be able to offer both Priorities due to destination but Ebay doesn't understand and haven't

tweaked the system . Before in the old shipping software it was never a problem. There are obvious reasons why sellers want to offer destination specific choices. Also after you add a 2nd shipping option it removes

the handling fee and you have to add it back - very frustrating ! I didnt realize I was losing money.

Message 12 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

@etrusca wrote:

Update - had trouble again and just discovered if you already have Priority listed as a choice

when you try to add Sm Flat rate it doesnt show at all in the list and wont allow - regardless of the measurements.

if you have First Class as 1st Choice, then try to add sm flat rate it does show up at the very end past Fedex.

One should be able to offer both Priorities due to destination but Ebay doesn't understand and haven't

tweaked the system . Before in the old shipping software it was never a problem. There are obvious reasons why sellers want to offer destination specific choices. Also after you add a 2nd shipping option it removes

the handling fee and you have to add it back - very frustrating ! I didnt realize I was losing money.

I think it's getting more ridiculous. I've recently been experiencing this:


Start a listing & be told there are no matches (even though I already searched & found similar items), proceed with listing without matches.


Get down to the shipping & be told prefilled shipping options are based on similar item listings (??? whatever).


Weight listed: 1 lb

Shipping Option prefilled: USPS First Class


Those things do not add up. First Class is 13 oz or below.


Change weight & shipping option, save draft, reopen draft - same 1 lb + USPS First Class has replaced what I set it to. Do this 3 or 4x. Finally it sticks. List item.


Then look at listed items under my ID later without logging in only to see that eBay is telling buyers that I "do not ship" & only allow local pick up. 


I'm wasting a LOT of time fighting with the listing tools, especially the shipping and shouting into the abyss here. 


I wish we had a manual listing option with no "intuitive" nonsense, and just let eBay programmers and AI play with their "intuitive" listing tools til the cows come home. 

Message 13 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

I am sorry you are also having a hard time

maybe trick is not to reopen draft just keep going and see if it holds

I think there is an intermittent "setting confirmation " problem.  I have found other instability too.

the fact that it even suggests a larger box size in greyed out text below the box size is absurd.

the preset suggested weight is really dangerous as it infers the previous comparable item listed was correct and who knows what weight , box they used or shipping origin !


I have been giving serious thought to drafting a letter to the President of Ebay and listing all the obvious known listing function errors that need to be fixed- I've wasted an hour refamiliarizing myself with the not so new leadership and new board. 

I am having real trouble understanding how experts in the field of IT both as staff and board do not see or understand fundamental flaws and malfunctions in the system unless its not seriously being communicated and addressed. Any other company would go under.  they need to roll up their sleeves and get under the hood! 


An analogy is  a 25 yr old car that is rusting and being partially sanded, patched & repainted with occasional new tires and a new hood ornament every year that has nothing to do with the brand of the car.

In the end, like an object in our business, the car (framework & search mechanism) is still 25 yrs old and needs a real overhaul not chronic additions and things that dont fit, mesh or aren't compatible to pretend it's new and working fine. And then adding new " trailers" which only benefit the few !

What has the market come to that you have to get someone to authenticate make a sale.


Less is more- I could edit & reduce the seller hub page and site design in 3 hrs and have it be more functional. Its redundant and contradictory.  If someone is dyslexic they could never navigate it - it has too much information and not streamline enough . That is what has happened to the search engine.

I had for the first time taken another's catalogue entry by mistake not realizing the person filled incorrect information about the collectible in the item specifics - wrong date, origin etc

how can Ebay allow misinformation to be spread like this ? where is the accountability - its the dumbest thing I have ever seen.

Anyone knows in the business you cannot trust another's cataloguing without verifying - so we end up doing damage control for others mistakes to protect our site. Added to which now the even more confusing and flabbergasting new ads of other sellers merchandise interwoven into our listing.


I don't think anyone in leadership has any experience selling and handling inventory of their own. There are many indications in item specifics that show a lack  of training & understanding of  Antiques & Collectible terminology and some choices are incorrect in English.  The modified catalogue was largely for new retail/ box store items or limited amount in some categories . It is not appropriate for the majority of antiques & collectibles as each can have variability in composition and manufacturing. We're not HD or Target yet... I am beyond frustrated & disappointed.

There is an ad for Ebay engineers boasting a median salary of 318,000 !! They can't do their job but are getting paid these staggering salaries. I list $10 -100 items and cant get sales because no one is doing their job fixing the site which I am paying for as a store owner and dedicated seller. Outsourced customer service who also don't sell nor have a good working knowledge of the website & current deficiencies. 




Message 14 of 23
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USPS Priority Flat Rate Dimensions Incorrect in Listing Tools & No Small FR Box Option at all

"I am having real trouble understanding how experts in the field of IT both as staff and board do not see or understand fundamental flaws and malfunctions in the system unless its not seriously being communicated and addressed."


In my opinion, that's exactly what is happening. The ones at the top have no idea there are problems. Hyper compartmentalization within an organization keeps everyone in the dark about what's happening as a whole, and for some reason, it's been sold as the gold standard of conducting business, especially in large organizations. 


I have worked in IT. When I was working Help Desk at a community college (the equivalent to eBay's frontline Customer Service), we could be inundated with calls about a particular issue. 50 people could be experiencing the exact same issue from various devices, browsers, locations, etc.


My boss would insist that all 50 people were the reason for the issue. He'd never pass on the information. 


Only when a very important person in the organization experienced the issue, or contacted our VP on behalf of a student, would the issue be addressed. And then, the VP would want to know why none of us reported the issue, except that we had followed our chain of command where it died with our "Yes man" boss. We, the front lines, were reprimanded, and Mr. Yes Man acted as if it was the first time he had heard about it. 


I've learned that the higher the salary, the less work. They sit in zoom meetings thinking up new bells & whistles instead of actually working to fix issues and keep the machine well oiled. 


Customer service agents are expected to keep calls short, and get the customer off the phone as quickly as possible. Fixing the issue is less important than keeping the calls short and taking as many calls as possible. 


In my experience, the front line is the last group to be told about known issues, planned changes, even cancellations of certain things, or the number of ongoing issues is so large, they can't keep up and have to check a database, which may or may not even be kept up to date. It's stupid, but that's the way it's done.


My former VP didn't even tell us in the Help Desk when a planned power outage was going to take place that affected only our building. Just couldn't be bothered and no electricity prevented us from doing our jobs. 


I wonder if any of the higher ups in eBay have ever personally spoken to any of their Customer Service reps. Like called in acting like a customer. I'd bet money none has. 



Maybe you should write that letter because I seriously doubt that anyone above the "yes men" middle management knows anything is remotely wrong. Yes men lie about how awesome everything is to placate their bosses so they can sit back and do as little as possible while still getting paid - just like my former boss. 



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