09-29-2021 07:16 PM
I have a buyer in Mexico who wants an item shipped through UPS or Fedex. I have the global shipping program on and a internal shipping option on for Ups and Fedex but when I go to create the label only eBay and USPS are available. I can't find anything online for this problem and I don't know why it isn't showing up. Thank you for any information you can provide.
09-29-2021 09:47 PM
Experience has shown that international shipments by UPS or FedEx are tremendously more expensive than the USPS.
Then there is the potential charge back by UPS or FedEx for any import taxes. They typically deliver the package and then bill the buyer for the taxes. And if they don't pay - you will get billed.
The USPS collects the taxes BEFORE delivering the item.
My standard answer to such a request is always: We only ship internationally though the USPS.
09-29-2021 10:14 PM
Did the buyer already make the purchase (it sounds like they did since you're attempting to create a label) and if so, what shipping service did the buyer select and pay for?
09-30-2021 05:30 PM
The buyer did already pay and I have Fedex International economy and UPS World Wide Saver, they selected the Fedex option.
09-30-2021 05:34 PM
Do you see something like this on the shipping page? When the carrier is blue it will show the shipping options and when the carrier is gray it will eliminate those shipping options. Do you see FedEx and is it blue?
09-30-2021 06:20 PM
No it shows Ebay and USPS like that but Fedex and UPS don't appear at all
09-30-2021 06:26 PM
Can you purchase the label direct from FedEx?
09-30-2021 06:45 PM
That is the only solution I can think of.
09-30-2021 06:53 PM
That's probably the easiest option here. Sorry I can't be of more help. I do ship a lot internationally, but I don't use FedEx/UPS so my troubleshooting advice on the combination of FedEx/UPS and eBay international label options is limited. I use USPS direct or I use Asendia. I've used eBay International Standard Delivery once or twice, too.