03-03-2024 03:36 AM
Ebay has made shipping, particularly showing options VERY difficult.
No matter how I ship either fixed rate or calculated, I get the same
result showing on the listing: "May not ship to Taiwan. Read description
or contact seller for shipping options." This is inconvenient as I now
have to always answer shipping cost questions on all sales. Also, I
would ship to Taiwan? Has anyone had this problem? I have a fixed
rate and calculate policy and neither work to get around this problem.
03-03-2024 09:23 AM - edited 03-03-2024 09:24 AM
03-03-2024 09:34 AM
Wasn’t quite sure what that word meant, but looking at the listings, I get the gist.
03-03-2024 02:12 PM
ebay doesn't have a shipping default and doesn't set the rates or decide where you ship to although there are a few countries they regularly block such as Russia. The exception is if the seller is using ebay international shipping (EIS) (which I see that on at least one of your ended listings) then ebay determines where that item can be shipped to. You ship somewhere using EIS if ebay will not ship that item there.
In your current listings, one ships just to the US. The other one ships worldwide but has quite a few exclusions including South East Asia. That's why Taiwan is excluded. Other than the few exclusions that ebay automatically puts in, if you are shipping directly and not using ebay shipping, the other places that you ship to is entirely up to you You can set up those exclusions in the shipping policies that you set up or if you are not using business policies, you can set up the countries that you will not ship to on your shipping preferences page. https://www.ebay.com/ship/prf
You can also set up or change country exclusions on the listing page when you do a listing if you aren't using business policies. You might want to change that on your two current listings.
Your listings state that the shipping isn't accurate but it should be as your shipping cost is strictly based on the information that you put it in the listing. If you use flat rate shipping you need to figure out a shipping cost ahead of time based on the service and the country that it is being sent to. You cannot adjust the cost once the item has been purchased. The shipping needs to be correct when it is listed.
It's more accurate to use calculated shipping. You can enter the package dimensions and weight and the service or services that you want to use. Then the buyer will be charged shipping based on their zip code or their country. The only time I have seen a problem with the usps calculator is if the wrong information is entered. UPS and Fedex can have some upcharges that might not be calculated at the time of purchse so if you use the calculator for those services, you may pay extra after the item has been shipped.
03-03-2024 02:27 PM
@mtgraves7984 wrote:
Posted, then deleted after rereading the Dictogrand listing. Hmmm... 🤔
Their other listings are not much better.
03-03-2024 02:30 PM
What item is it?
It doesn't matter if you use flat rate or calculated, if you don't set the listing up right, it's not going to work.
One of your listings only ship to the US.
03-03-2024 02:38 PM
Figure your size & weight
Figure the furthest zip code from you
Go to usps and calculate shipping
Use FLAT rate shipping and use that figure.
To state that the 'shipping shown is not accurate' is NOT allowed and you are NOT allowed to charge a customer 'more' no matter WHAT you say in your listing.
You need to 'figure it out'.
03-03-2024 02:40 PM
Wow. 99% of the terms listed in the description are unenforceable. I foresee major problems for this seller if these items sell.