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Ebay is killing the small business owners on here. I am disabled military and this supplements my income. First you take away my right to say how my items can be returned. Then, you take away my right to charge a restocking fee. Then finally, you force me to offer free returns in order for me to get my well earned Top Rated Seller. Now I say the word force because if I make the choice to offer No Returns I go to the bottom of the barrel that I am already cross to as it is. I will not be rotated or "Best Match" as it is termed. For some sellers this effects them very little, but for a 200 item store that works as hard to keep my good standing with ebay this new "Policy" is killing me and others. I have NO control over my store other than to close it and that is not what I want, but is anyone listening????? Maybe do these policies to the upper level sellers that can take this kind of hit. When I sell something the money is gone. I don't have resources for "Remorse Purchases"!!!!!!!!!!!

Message 1 of 20
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Feeling you pain. On eBay for 17 years; no rertuns, but now I can see them coming in droved over buyers remorse. They're already taking away my discount unless I agree to pay for returns, so I'm just going to stop offering refunds period. Sure, I can be forced into a refund if I grossly misrepresent something, but that is totally fair, and in 17 years of doing this, I've proven my credibility. If I have something somebody wants and I price it right, they'll find it in a search. I'd rather lose some sales than kowtow further to the eBay minions.
Message 2 of 20
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So sorry you are going through this and thank you for your service.


But you don't have to be TRS.  Not everyone uses by Best Match.  In my opinion, possibly only very new users would do that.  And many buyers don't think TRS means anything due to bad experiences they have had.  In fact, some avoid TRS sellers for those reasons.


Probably not being TRS won't even affect your sales.


However, your call and I wish you all the best.

Message 3 of 20
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Hang in there.


As a buyer - I never pay attention to TRS - it's lost all credibility.  


As stated below - if you have something someone wants, and it's priced competively - we'll find it:)

I saw that...

Message 4 of 20
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I'm listening & I feel your pain.  eBay Does Not Do The Right Thing for their Customers, the sellers.  If eBay wants to run it's own show they need to stock their own inventory.

No one wants to be around a user.

Message 5 of 20
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I never ever use best match because it doesn't include the shipping cost in the search.

Message 6 of 20
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We are also in the same boat! Over last year - sales are down on Ebay but yet on amazon & etsy my sales are up. Within the last week, we have had 2 return request - we have NEVER had 2 returns in 1 week & as a matter of fact, very little returns for the entire 10 years on ebay! You are correct - ebay does FORCE us to accept or lose the already reduced discount for 10% for power sellers and yes we get some supplies every qtr now but still - rethinking this entire platform since Ebay is more concerned with the buyers than they are with EBay Customers - which is us the sellers to Ebay! 

Maybe someone in Ebay leadership will see that there is a lot of negative press on this from sellers & as more sellers reduce the inventory that they sell or leave ebay, maybe Ebay will realize that this new mandate is NOT seller friendly. Once it hits the pocketbooks of Ebay leadership - then changes will be made.

Message 7 of 20
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@virtualwhimsy wrote:

Hang in there.


As a buyer - I never pay attention to TRS - it's lost all credibility.  


As stated below - if you have something someone wants, and it's priced competively - we'll find it:)

OP is top rated plus seller,so he is getting 10% discount on his FVF fee.

I see he sells mostly women clothes,that has to be a high return category

Message 8 of 20
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My experience with a lot of TRS sellers is they ship late, think they are gods gift when there is a problem.

Not all of them of course, but enough for me to try to avoid them when I can.

It did use to mean something, but not any more.

Message 9 of 20
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The late shipping min % for TSR is brutal and it's 1 day handling, they won't be shipping late for long or they won't be TSR. Free returns and free shipping with just one return it cancels the final value fee discount of $500 of sales.
Message 10 of 20
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@7198dave wrote:

I never ever use best match because it doesn't include the shipping cost in the search.

I search by Newly Listed.  It's easier to keep track of what is newly listed that way.

And Best Match doesn't really address my needs or search parameters.

Message 11 of 20
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@7198dave wrote:

I never ever use best match because it doesn't include the shipping cost in the search.

In my opinion, Best Match is subjective~only I know what the Best Match for me is going to be.

Message 12 of 20
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ebay turned you into renter. rent an item. problems. disgust. It is not there item not unlike walnart amazon jcp obvy. but the treatvit as they own that and you. recope for disastrr.


Message 13 of 20
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I buy a lot of books.  Best match usually shows the most expensive listing which is why I always sort by lowest price plus shipping.


Sellers might be surprised to learn how little the TRS badge means to buyers.

Message 14 of 20
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@castlemagicmemories wrote:

@7198dave wrote:

I never ever use best match because it doesn't include the shipping cost in the search.

I search by Newly Listed.  It's easier to keep track of what is newly listed that way.

And Best Match doesn't really address my needs or search parameters.

I search by newly listed too.

Message 15 of 20
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