06-25-2020 04:10 PM - edited 06-25-2020 04:10 PM
Why did ebay change the packing slip format? The button to "print" doesn't work at all. Everything worked fine before this week. I always try to include a packing slip with every sale. Now, I can't even print one using the "shipping labels" workaround (Which I was able to do two days ago). When I click on the blue "PRINT" button, nothing happens. WHY DOES EBAY ALWAYS SCREW UP SOMETHING THAT PREVIOUSLY WORKED FINE? Every month there's a new glitch. My Firefox browser has not changed all year, everything else works normally except the "Print" packing slip button.
06-25-2020 05:51 PM
My Firefox browser has not changed all year
Just out of curiosity, do you have Firefox set to never update? Firefox seems to issue updates every week now days and will bug you almost daily if you don't have automatic updates turned on.
That said, a Firefox update broke several things on my eBay settings about two weeks ago, and it hasn't worked right off and on since then.
08-16-2020 09:11 PM
I have been having this same problem for a couple of weeks. The Print button works but you have to wait almost a full minute or more before anything happens. FWIW I also use Firefox but have it set to update automatically, so I don't think it is a browser problem.
08-17-2020 03:50 AM
Try using the keyboard shortcut of hitting the control (ctrl) the the P key, that might bypass the blue button.
Also make sure to wait a minute or two.
08-17-2020 04:34 AM
I tried the keyboard shortcut and it did not work but the print box has another option. You have to scroll all the way down and there appears right above he blue button a link in blue for an alternative.
10-26-2020 11:14 PM
It finally began working again (after a week or two), but had nothing to do with a Firefox update. The problem now is that I cannot make the packing slip 50% size which was helpful before because it allowed me to print two slips on each end of a paper (less waste). Now I don’t bother printing packing slips unless an item is going overseas or is over $50.
10-26-2020 11:15 PM
That wasn’t an option on the ipad. But it works now. Still don’t like the format. It was much better before, especially when I could change the size to 50%.
07-04-2022 07:48 PM - edited 07-04-2022 07:50 PM
Oh my, am I relived to discover I’m not the only one dealing with this issue! It’s pathetic!
I like including a packing slip in with my item too. Now I have to waste time jumping through hoops to get one printed. It’s a prooooooocess!
I was losing my mind when this first happened. I tried every which way to get it to print. Several browsers too. The PRINT button just doesn’t work anymore for packing slip…they ought to just remove the button all together if it’s worthless!!
I used to print my packing slip first, then my shipping label.
There is a WORK around (with the emphasis on WORK)…..(see pic)New way to print packing slips. (I’ve blacked out my buyers’ ID’s and names.
Now I have to print the shipping label first, (which I also have issues with now too! I loved having the bottom half of the printout for my records, I no longer have a hard copy of my sale unless I want to use up more paper and time making copies of the packing slip and label.)
then go to Shipping Labels (under selling)…
then find the item,
then click on the Actions Drop down menu for that item and select Packing Slip.
Believe it or not, I actually got these instructions from a live eBay support person that after hours spent trying to get a packing slip to print, and then hoops to jump through to get a support person to inform them the print button wasn’t working, this is how she told me to do it!
Hope this helps others wanting to include a packing slip too, because I doubt eBay will ever replace a working Print button for us!
07-05-2022 05:43 PM
I found an easier way!!!! When you click on Open Packing Slip you get this (well I do, using Google chrome)
don’t bother clicking the blue print button, instead, go to your browser’s menu options and select to print.
10-02-2022 11:09 AM
Thank you very much--mystery solved!
05-03-2023 11:43 PM
I had to download it and then print
09-09-2023 01:11 AM
I would love an answer to that question too. theyre constantly tinkering with stuff that works fine. I wanna tell them "leave it alone! youll go blind if you keep messing with it!"
sorry i wish i had an answer for your issue. my print button works but all i get is "Ship To" and "Ship From". The first line of text on the page. Nothing else on the page will print. Good luck
09-04-2024 05:50 PM
I tried your instructions and it STILL comes up as a blank pop-up window. I've turned off all my ad and pop-up blockers. I don't know what else to do!