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Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

eBay Staff (Alumni)

Recently, the podcast team had a great conversation about handy tips that were posted on the eBay for Business Facebook page. The topics included tips for packaging, supplies, organization, and how to show professionalism in your shipping. You can listen to the podcast here or read about the tips below, straight from Facebook.



Marilena Celii L.

Use foam pool noodles to ship coffee mugs. Cut a piece the height of mug. Slit open one side, slide over handle. Then wrap in bubble wrap and ship.


Karen C.

We use the noodles for all kinds of items. I sell a lot of vintage bone China and porcelain miniatures. The noodles are perfect for them! When shipping bowls, split a section of a noodle and place around the rim of the bowl. Plates the same. All kinds of great ways to pack with noodles.


Desiree G.

Pool noodles are great for shipping. They are very versatile but we mostly use them when shipping framed art. We slit them down one side and wrap it around the frame, then we used shipping plastic or plastic wrap around the face and back of the artwork. That keeps the glass floated safely. We have gotten a lot of compliments about the creativity of our shipping methods and haven't had any art arrive damaged.


Lisa S.

When I'm in need of box filler I create air pillows by blowing up zip lock bags with a straw and sealing them with my food saver machine. Super easy, lightweight and inexpensive.


Nancy B.

For every pkg, I put a layer of crunched newsprint, then bubble wrap the item (i sell mostly breakable stuff), place it in the middle, then i put more paper in snug all around it & then put paper on top. I add an ebay thank you note, personally signed, and also add a business card offering them a discount on all future purchases. In 1.5 yrs, i've only had 2 items break & one of those was a wooden item which was a freak accident by the post office. So this way works well for me. 😊


Penny C.

I usually ship breakables so I pack them with the understanding that the USPS will drop them, shake them, kick them, throw them, step on them, etc. I don't get angry with the post office employees, I pack my items so they can not break my stuff.


Tracy R.

Protect DVD's in cardboard by making a cardboard slipcover out of Free boxes from Aldis or other stores. For a regular DVD case cut the cardboard 14" x 8" and put the dvd on the edge of the short end of the cardboard and roll it across bending the cardboard at every edge of the dvd. Fold the last inch over to completely enclose it so that every edge of the dvd is covered. Slip in the packing slip with a nice Thank You stamp or ebay thank you note😃tape the packing slip on the cardboard before slipping into the bubblemailer. This same method can be adjusted for cd's, books and vhs.


Cathy L B.

Use cardboard paper towel and toilet tissue rolls to protect things that fit into them such as legs and arms of dolls


Jessica P.

When I used to work for online order fulfillment, the rule was that nothing could move around in the box. I agree with everyone who’s been saying that on here!


Shaun R.

Pack every package so your 240lb body can stand on it and make zero dents in the box. 7000+ sales and only 1 damaged because it looks like a semi ran over a 4' long box and had tire tracks on it.


Lynn E.

Fold clothing and package in a cello bag before packaging. The item will look much nicer when your buyer receives it! I hate getting clothing that’s just tossed into a bag or box.



Griff: Our next group of tips are about packing supplies;


Leslie F.

Over estimate what you need prior to the holidays, especially USPS Priority boxes


Alissa Z.

Get a nice box resizer and you can trim down boxes to reduce items’ movement inside AND of course to cut down shipping weight by trimming excess cardboard. (I got an awesome box resizer from Garage Flips!)


Clark W.

My best advice for packing is to know how you’re going to ship an item before you list it and have all of the shipping supplies on hand. There’s nothing worse than selling an item during the holidays only to find that you don’t have a box to ship it in and/or it’s going to cost more than you thought to ship it because of the box dimensions or weight.


Heather R.

Reorder packing supplies before you run out (I should take my own advice)


Lauren U.

My neighbor is a huge online shopper. Most of my boxes come from her.


Stu G.

I buy sheet cardboard and custom make my own boxes. They fit perfectly, reduce packing material, ship more securely. It takes less time than filling voids.


Jenny E.

USPS has free priority boxes and envelopes


Organization/Operations/Shipping Station:

Griff: Now we’ll focus on tips about Staying Organized!


Amy Brookbank B.

Use an ironing board as a packing table for small items. Adjustable height will save your back!


Anca P.

Ship quickly! Having a well-organized shipping station makes packing very easy. If it ships in a box add a candy 🙂

[she included a photo of her shipping station]


Jeffrey C. R.

Save and breakdown all boxes you receive in the mail, for reuse- stack them vertically to optimize storage in the meantime.


Raymond S.

Invest in a gummed tape dispenser. Once you've used gummed tape, you'll never want to go back to plastic tape. They're pricey new...$325, but you can pick them up on our favorite platform <<<eBay>>> used for between $100-$200. The tape is stronger, and doesn't peel off in the cold like some plastic tapes can. It's cost effective too because you don't have to tape a heavy box with a gazillion layers. Often times commercial auction sites (like Grafe...just google it) liquidating commercial and industrial spaces will list them. I have five of them...all purchased on eBay...some over 60 years old...they are simple machines and practically indestructible 😃

Community Manager
Message 1 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

I use new Foam Plates and Bowls placed between dinner plates, dessert plates and bowls to absorb shock and prevent damage from USPS handling.  Wrap in foam sheets and then bubble wrap.  Big packages of foam plates, bowls, trays and clamshell containers are inexpensive at Sam's Club and Costco.   

Message 46 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

Please use cardboard cut LARGER than the size of the book. The fragile parts of a book are the corners and the spine, not the center. A Near Fine $200 book with corners damaged from shipping is worth about $125 and also waters down a dealer's stock. A box is great but if you sandwich a padded book between two pieces of corrugated cardboard LARGER than the book with the corrugation running different ways, that will protect it and costs nothing. Glad to see your post. (I am an antiquarian book dealer)

Message 47 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

@truprice wrote:

Please use cardboard cut LARGER than the size of the book. The fragile parts of a book are the corners and the spine, not the center. A Near Fine $200 book with corners damaged from shipping is worth about $125 and also waters down a dealer's stock. A box is great but if you sandwich a padded book between two pieces of corrugated cardboard LARGER than the book with the corrugation running different ways, that will protect it and costs nothing. Glad to see your post. (I am an antiquarian book dealer)

I create a big T out of cardboard for my books that are first wrapped in clingwrap. If you do not have a source for cardboard sheets, uline sells the same ready made. They are a bit different but the same idea. Book Mailers, Book Mailing Boxes, Self Seal Boxes in Stock - Uline

Message 48 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

I haven't read all the responses yet, but the second I saw the tip to use toilet paper rolls I had to laugh.  That has been a trigger for contempt by several posting here in the past.  They couldn't think any anything worse to send in a package.


Even more recently was a thread calling sellers derogatory names that used anything other than store bought products for packing materials.   Ingenuity was definitely not appreciated. 

Message 49 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers



@fern*wood wrote:

Even more recently was a thread calling sellers derogatory names that used anything other than store bought products for packing materials.   Ingenuity was definitely not appreciated. 

Ah, but you can buy some labels to slap on your packages stating that you recycle packing materials!  Makes you look green. Plus you can tell sellers how many trees you save this year!


So perhaps it all depends on how well you "sell" your ingenuity?  Plus what is another few cents added to seller costs?


Recycle packaging-1.jpgRecycle packaging-2.jpg



Message 50 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

I'll recycle shipping boxes. I even bring home some of the big galord boxes (4'x4'x6')that the small amazon packages for our office arrives in. This is very thick cardboard which I use as stiffener in shipping or as support on back of my streach canvases when doing epoxy art and also as paint palettes. 


I will reuse shipping boxes and bags. I draw the line at food containers and TP rolls.

Message 51 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

@fern*wood wrote:

I haven't read all the responses yet, but the second I saw the tip to use toilet paper rolls I had to laugh.  That has been a trigger for contempt by several posting here in the past.  They couldn't think any anything worse to send in a package.


Even more recently was a thread calling sellers derogatory names that used anything other than store bought products for packing materials.   Ingenuity was definitely not appreciated. 

Yeah. I once saw a demo that if you don't close the lid of the toilet when flushing droplets  from inside the toilet can reach several feet contaminating not only the TP but towels and even toothbrushes.  I was glad I always put it down due to having dogs and cats.

Message 52 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

thanks very important

Message 53 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

A rather strange thread considering that eBay has always taken the stance that they have all the answers.


I was looking forward to some more of those inept eBay training videos, especially the one where they show how to supposedly pack a mug or the one that shows how to take pictures indoors (while not revealing they are using a professional lighted studio made to look like the interior of home).

Message 54 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

How about shipping labels on the package so you know when you have, like, 10 things to send out you can't confuse your shipments and send the wrong thing out to the wrong people...




This new and not improved packing slip option now does NOT include a shipping label? For years the shipping label has been an option and has been a life saver when we have more than one item to send out in a day (especially since my wife and I each have an Ebay store). We would print out the packing slip, cut the shipping label off and tape the label to the package... that way the RIGHT ITEM GOES TO THE RIGHT BUYER!!!! Why would Ebay eliminate this necessary option? Can they add it back?

Message 55 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

UPS & Amazon does give option to sellers to not to use dimensions for irregular packages where ebay force sellers to use dimensions for irregular packages, here where ebay is loosing money or monopoly of UPS, UPS on their website allow to print label without dimensions where on ebay does not allow, this kind of problem will divert sellers to switch to some other platform, tips for shipping comes later, first main issues has to be fixed out. Sellers with thousands of listings , its impossible for sellers to assign each specific box for every listing and its a serious issue, i hope ebay comes out of its fantasy and improve the ground where its needs to protect the sellers, sellers are backbone of ebay.

because of above address issue, seller are getting ripped off by the carrier on ebay and because of this issue, other platform are getting advantage of this and this gap let them switch to other platform, i love sell on ebay, but its restricting me to increase my inventory due to this on going issue, the point is, UPS on their website has no such condition where on ebay UPS has condition, also on amazon has no such condition for irregular packages, i hope some one from ebay read this message and try to understand importance of this issue.

Message 56 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

I use to sell a lot of body lotion, body cream, shampoo and body wash.  When I started selling I learned very quickly to tape all caps shut as they sometimes open during shipping AND to put each bottle is a ziploc style bag. I had several sizes to protect my various items in. If something happens and one bottle broke and contents leaked only that one item was damage vs the entire box of items damaged.

Message 57 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

Excellent tip.  I also add a note on packages 'non hazardous liquids'. 


I am a mail carrier and from time to time we get leaking packages.  Some of the things I have delivered in leaky packages included: shelf stable milk, baby formula, fish emulsion, horse liniment, beer, neetsfoot oil (that was a real mess). pink zebra x too many to count (the stuff stinks to high heaven).

Message 58 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

useful post

Message 59 of 68
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Re: Packing and Shipping Tips from Sellers

Last week the Amazon driver pulled in a pallet that Misty our clerk had to help get through the door as it wasn't stacked well and almost also was too tall. It had a leaking package about half way up the stack. They had to mark and bag about a dozen packages. The actual leaking package was too big for our trash bags so the other clerk completely covered the box with priority tape after setting it on 2 bags. It was laundry soap. Misty luckily had another shirt with her because the whole front of hers was soaked in it.

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