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Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.


Debating if I should report this buyer, based on minimal evidence.  I sold a red sequin top 11/20, perfect for a holiday party.  A return was put in 12/2 saying it wasn't for her. I assumed she didn't like it, no problem. I got it back today. Well... it reeks of perfume, and possible food.  The tags were removed, but included. There is no damage to the top. The return was careless, rolled it up( you have to be careful with sequins). Still no damage.  Could of had too much perfume on when trying on, the food smell is very slight. I have a very good sense of smell, some people do not. I can resell it, but get infuriated at the thought that someone rented my clothing. How many people would report based on this small amount of evidence?


Thank you.     

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Accepted Solutions

Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

I'd report them.  They didn't return it in the same condition received.  The tags were removed.  Granted, you still have to refund, but the report would go in.


Put them on eBay's radar.  If this is their M.O., eventually it might catch up to them.



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Message 5 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

report what?


eBay would all but laugh at you. You could go to her facebook and show pictures of her wearing it at a party and eBay would do nothing about it. Be glad you got it back, and not particularly damaged.

"Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything" Colin Kaepernick the new face of NIKE
Message 2 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

There isn't anything to report.

Message 3 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

As mentioned correctly by the above 2 posters .. theres NOTHING to report.


If you "accept returns" then you take the item back - regardless of condition.


YES, eBay has a page that lists the conditions that an item must be in for a return - but you have a better chance of going to your backyard with a shovel and digging up King Tuts treasure.


eBay (since 2007) is a BUYER centric site. That means that since eBay owns nothing and sells nothing - they have NOTHING to offer anyone - sellers OR buyers.


Sellers get beat up on, buyers get a free ride - PERIOD.


eBay (when an issue arrises - ANY issue) changes from "just a venue" to a "managed marketplace" and the TOS/UA (user agreement) that we all agree to when we sign on to eBay says that we give them permission to do what they want, when they want, at any time they want "to ensure the smooth running of the platform" or some other such nonesence.


Not only does eBay NOT follow its own rules - they make up new ones AD HOC. eBay isnt interested in what you think, what you feel, what you know, who you are - and that goes for you - for me - for EVERYONE else here. There are only a few select groups on eBay that can do as they please.


1) Chinese overseas sellers

2) Large Retailers

3) Manufactorers


Those 3 groups have a status that is UNtouchable. They can have feedback rates that if you had - would get your account closed, they have HIDDEN feedback rates, they are allowed to do their own CS - things that we regular sellers could only dream about.


On eBay - ALL sellers are crooks, thieves and malcontents - only fit to be used and then discarded.


So getting back to your used shirt. eBay wont care since you say you take returns - and even if they "did care" - they would tell you "taking losses is part of business - here take one" and that would be it.


Overseas CS agents are trained not to care, they are paid NOT to let sellers win, not to go off script and are there to placate you and then get you off the phone.


As mentioned - your fellow sellers feel your pain - since eBay has hurt most of us MANY times. The boards here are FILLED with horror stories of people getting back bricks, different items, phone books, rolled up newspaper or simply NOTHING. Expecting "your partner" to care is optimistic but unrealistic.


Get the item dry cleaned, and try to resell it.


eBay wont help you - that would mean "challenging the buyer" - something eBay simply cant/wont do. They need buyers, they dont need sellers.

Message 4 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

I'd report them.  They didn't return it in the same condition received.  The tags were removed.  Granted, you still have to refund, but the report would go in.


Put them on eBay's radar.  If this is their M.O., eventually it might catch up to them.



Message 5 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

Absolutely report it. Jason_Incognito, Sam9876, and (especially) theheadphonecompany are correct: it won't do any good, eBay will take the buyer's side every time. Buyer can send you back an empty box and eBay will deny your appeal, saying that the Buyer says they put it in the box and they have to take the Buyer's word. eBay will take Buyer's word over Seller. Every time.
So as much as reporting it won't do anything, it can't hurt anything either. Buyer may have rented your clothing, but the fact is that the Buyer did not return the item in the condition you sent it out. That fact is reportable.
Message 6 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

I agree with your post. The thing is ebay seems to have forgotten that their sellers also make up a large portion of their buyers. A seller will only take so many "hits" before they stop selling and BUYING.

Message 7 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

I would report it as well. You have to honor the return but at least it puts them on the radar for other folks to see what is going on. They will continue to do it until they get reported. I do agree with a couple other post though. Be thankful you got it back..........Woody

Message 8 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

I guess I'd have to respectfully dissagree on reporting them ...


Not that you cant, you can - but it wont do very much.


Reporting fakes, bad buyers, etc is like trying to empty the Atlantic Ocean with a Dixie cup. It may make you feel better, but it wont get you anywhere......


Being that eBay needs buyers but cant directly get them to behave - the only thing they can do is make the seller responsible - even when they are not.


By allowing buyers to abuse the returns process (or any other process) it puts power back in the hands of the buyer and in the hands of eBay itself - and since Paypal is basically eBays enforcer - theres nothing you can do about it.


Its all basically the Sopranos - just online.


Paypal is the enforcer. They come around, make collections, take money from you for no reason - its straight off the tv screen.


Theres no ecommerce going on here.


eBay even takes fvf on things they have no part of (like shipping) .... just like Anothony did - just it isnt the Esplanad or Pie-O-My.


Sadly, selling on eBay is Russian Roulette. You put your item up for sale, pull the trigger (make a sale) and HOPE that the chamber comes up empty (no return, no fake SNAD, no VERO abuse, no chargeback etc).


Most times (and its thanks to great buyers - nothing to do with eBay), things work out - but when they DONT, your "partner" is long gone, your "partner" refuses to help, to care, to investigate, to back you up.



Message 9 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

That's right. Trying to empty the ocean with a Dixie Cup. But it will make you feel better and that's worth something too.

I too am about done with eBay. eBay continues their War on Sellers, seemingly oblivious to the fact that they need good Sellers to find, offer, and market good products. It's ridiculous. "Seller Protection" is non-existent.

Message 10 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

So true but if you sit back and eat a burnt steak and don't say anything to the waiter it's your problem. I don't like burnt steak so I send it back. I always worry about someone coming back if you report them from a differnt user name and buying an item and then giving you a **bleep** rating. It's tuff............Like I said be glad you got it back. It's the same policy most stores we all shop at have to do as well. Best advice for store owners is the customer is always right............It stinks and in this case literally.
Message 11 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

I agree with you in general ... but Im not sure of the analogy.


In the returant, all parties are there to see whats going on. If you order well done and you get rare - you , the waiter, and the chef can all see that its NOT how you ordered it.


Here eBay pulls the "well we didnt see what you sent" (in other words they are calling you a liar to your face - they are just to chicken to admit it), and we dont know what the customer got (you are a lair yet again), and we dont know what you got back (see there - you are lieing a 3rd time) so IT MUST BE YOUR FAULT. So to me ... its not an apt comparison.


Its fine to play judge, jury and exocutioner - but when you always have your thumb on the scale ...... would you buy fruit from a guy who always has his thumb on scale? I wouldnt.  The judge is bought and payed for, the jury is tainted and the outcome is prejudged ...... so why even have that help page with the conditions for returns - if you wont ever enforce it? Its called FRAUD (or thats what its called in any other transaction).


When you report an item or a person or even fill out a "rate this page" or "what do you thihnk of this feature" on eBay - its virtually ignored. NOTHING will come of it - its a mechanism to make sellers feel better.


eBay does whats best for its bottom line - and thats fine as long as they dont insult you and say "you are important to us", "we value you as a seller and as a memeber of the eBay family/community" or some other such tripe. Its insulting to those of us who know better ......


eBay runs its business (the code word being ITS) and sellers are simply the expendable resource (aka the cattle) that it uses so that IT can make money. What happens to YOU the seller is immaterial and irrelevant.


I wont harp on this anymore - everyone can do as they please - and do what makes them feel better/good. Its just after being here since 1998 and having gone a few rounds with the insane in the membranes in San Jose - I know better - NO policy EVER benfits sellers, no program "saves them money" - its all a con.

Message 12 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

welcome to ebay clothing rental
║█║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█║ ║█║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█║ ║█║▌║█║▌│║▌║▌█║

Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please
Message 13 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

@apache.falls wrote:
welcome to ebay clothing rental

No, I do not accept that.  These people need to be reported each and every time, and from some of the comments here it doens't sound like that's happening.  Ebay will not do anything on 1 offence, but a frequent violator will eventually get suspended.   

Message 14 of 18
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Re: Need Advice on reporting a buyer on a return.

From now on I will be putting "SELLERS BEWARE" in the feedback I leave for any of my Buyers that are dishonest. Maybe it will help another Seller.

Message 15 of 18
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