04-03-2022 12:07 PM
This is my first post on eBay so be gentle lol.
I did some Googling and can’t figure out how to change the shipping label to 4 by 6 for thermal printing.
I need to know what exact page I go to and how to change the settings.
Thanks in advance
08-06-2022 03:42 PM - edited 08-06-2022 03:44 PM
Chrome should show the "Show More" on the right side of the create label page as shown in post 4 above. You have to get to here to check the current label format and change it if needed.
Post a screen shot of the Create Label page you are seeing.
Note there is currently a glitch with the Firefox V103 when printing from a Mac.
08-08-2022 10:14 AM
I am having this same issue. I've been printing for years on my Dymo and a couple weeks ago, the formatting all changed. I can't print on my labels any longer.
My dymo still works with printing labels from Paypal and other sites. When I try from Ebay, the labels show on my print preview upside down and on a full sheet of paper that I cannot format correctly.
I am currently printing them on my full sized printer, cutting them, and taping them to my packages. Exhausting and time consuming.
08-08-2022 11:47 AM
@scootscards You need to reset the ebay label format as shown in post 4 above and it will work just fine again.
08-17-2022 10:34 AM
There is NO "Show More" Everybody says click on show more - there is NO show more.
08-17-2022 11:45 AM
This person is correct! It took me forever to figure this out. Find that "show more' link on the right side of the page when you are ready to print the labels. There, you can change the size.
08-17-2022 12:24 PM
08-17-2022 12:39 PM
On a computer. There is NO "Show More" link that I can find. And I have been looking for a couple of months.
On what page do I find this?
08-17-2022 12:50 PM
Whenever you go to print a shipping label, the create label page pops up where you select the type of shipping, input weight and dimensions, etc. Look to the right side where you see your return address, the shipping amount, etc., below this is the Show More button.
See post 4 above for a screen shot of what this page looks like.
09-21-2022 12:50 AM
to everyone that is answering with 'CLICK THE SHOW MORE BUTTON' ...
That is the solution TO A DIFFERENT PROBLEM.
We are trying to figure out how to print 4x6 when needing to RETURN AN ITEM TO A SELLER and there is not option to PRINT 4x6 when processing a RETURN LABEL.
We want the option to print the RETURN LABEL in 4x6 FORMAT, not a PDF of the return label with only 1 format available.
09-21-2022 06:45 AM
@fleamarketflips Sorry, but buyers do not get label format options, because most of them do not have label printers. However, the half sheet label can easily be scaled and oriented to fit and print on a 4x6 label printer, which usually can be done right in the Adobe preview window, depending on what OS, browser, and printer model you are using.
09-21-2022 09:39 AM
That is a bad reason to justify why the option doesnt exist. This is an online marketplace and assuming "buyers" dont have a label printer and not giving an option is just plain dumb.
if there was an easy way to scale and print to 4x6, i dont think this thread would exist in the first place.
Please do not reply with useless opinions when you clearly dont know what the issue is, nor what the solution is. Thanks.
09-21-2022 01:25 PM
You are not talking to ebay, just to other members like yourself trying to help. I agree with you that having all formats always available would be really nice, but we have no control over what ebay does.
Also please read the original post again, it was not about return labels, but a seller printing a shipping label using a thermal printer. The correct answer was given to select the 4x6 label size.
There has never been an option to do this for a return label, but you can as I and others that have a 4x6 label printer easily make it fit to output to one. I just did it last week and it only took a couple of clicks to do so. Note that this has to been done for a couple of other ebay labels types that are not available in the 4x6 format. I even do this to print the packing lists.
Also buyers now have the option to just receive a QR code and have the post office print the label. Plus most buyers usually don't do a lot of returns nor do they have thermal label printers.
Sorry if an extra click to scale your return label is not the answer you want to hear, but again we have no control over the tools ebay supplies.
10-04-2022 01:10 AM
I'm having the same issue, just spent about 30 minutes tryint o fins a solution online, seems like these settings used to be easier to modify.
If anyone else has a fix please let us know. I am also on a mac, used safari and chrome.
thank you
10-13-2022 10:57 AM - edited 10-13-2022 10:57 AM
In case anybody else gets stuck on this, here is how I found the solution.
First, on the shipment page, you'll want to select Show additional shipping options, like this:
Then, on the shipping options page, you'll want to select Show more... over here on the right:
I'm not sure why this is so hard to find now, I think it was easier before.
I also don't think there's an option to change the dimensions of a label that you've already purchased. That seems strange to me, so I would love to be wrong about that.
10-19-2022 06:52 AM
Thank you! Yes, it was way easier to find before because it was right in your face.
Also, when you change the format there it will change for a label already purchased. I changed it, and went back to re-print the already purchased label and it was in the right format.
But I can barely navigate ebay anymore. Stuff is just confusing. It's like the front end developers are at constant war with each other.