12-02-2019 11:27 AM
In September, I shipped an unframed art print, i.e. a piece of paper via Fedex. Label charge should have been $13.80, I was charged $142.29 on my Ebay invoice. Fedex is showing the dimensions as 54x39x3, when in fact the dimensions were 18x14x1, but Fedex does not check dimensions when you give them a package to ship.
I was told to wait 2 billing cycles to see if EBay could get this corrected with Fedex.
Needless to say, no money has appeared. As far as I can tell, I have no recourse but to post complaints to every website, government agency and anyone else I can find and recommend to all, DO NOT USE FEDEX.
With the amount of packages shipped via Fedex through Ebay I would think they could recover my money. At the very least they should consider doing away with Fedex as a shipper; I ended up paying $142.29 to ship a $200.00 piece of paper.
12-02-2019 04:30 PM
Last year I had the same EXACT thing happen with 2 lamps. The weight was GROSSLY overstated when they did a weight check (that what they said) in the middle of the shipment. So I was Paid $260 for lamps and the shipping was $240. And eBay kept on saying it was FED EX and vice versa.
So I will not use fedex ever again. Sorry you went through this too.
12-02-2019 05:08 PM
12-07-2019 11:23 AM
Thanks for your reply, it's nice to know someone is listening out there! I entered the dimensions, (18"x14"x1"), correctly. Even sent a copy of the shipping label and FedEx drop off receipt to EBay, to no avail thus far. There seems to be several instances of dimensional weight issues that confuses many, but this was not the case; I shipped a small woodblock print, simply put, a piece of paper, and you are right that FedEx will not discuss anything with me, and furthermore, EBay will not put up much of a fight to get them to correct anything. So, now I have been overcharged $128.49 is shipping that I cannot afford to lose, but will likely never get back. EBay needs to eliminate them as a shipper or learn to get down and dirty when they cheat sellers that have to rely on them to force FedEx to correct overcharges. I do hope enough people read the posts and quit using FedEx, I had just started using them, for maybe 6 or so shipments, but that won't happen again, expensive lesson well learned. Again, thanks for your reply!
12-23-2019 01:21 PM
Fed ex is currently trying to scam me for an additional 172.00 in shipping...the package was a 10 lb socket set...fex ex says it looks like you sent lumber!!! I said fix this...bunch of **bleep**!!!!never again will I ever use them....
12-23-2019 01:29 PM
will ebay go to bat for us who have had bogus charges from fed ex???..or are we alone on this......im guessing we are screwed
12-23-2019 02:20 PM - edited 12-23-2019 02:22 PM
Dispute the charge with your credit card or bank. Let FedEx explain the reason for the charge.
12-23-2019 04:30 PM
@gwzcomps wrote:
If you put the dimensions in correctly this shouldn't have happened. Since you are technically using eBay's account FedEx won't help you from my experience. At best you could file an insurance claim. It is pretty ridiculous how this system works when there are abnormal issues.
No, Fed Ex initiates the billing process when they pick it up and scan it. Then the DC weighs and measures it and that's when the extra charges start rolling in, erroneously or not.
You need to get your own Fed Ex account and link it to ebay, that way you are the shipper of record and not ebay, and can contest the charges. You won't get anywhere with ebay.
12-23-2019 04:59 PM
12-23-2019 05:42 PM
You would have to <shudder> check the help pages to see how to link the accounts. Maybe someone else here uses Fed Ex and has it set up that way - I don't because Fed Ex is too far away for me.
But yes to the other questions. And that makes you the shipper of record, so you can get the info you need.
12-24-2019 12:45 PM
Link the accounts or not, I still want the money they cheated me out of.
01-03-2020 11:05 AM
I am still in the dispute process going on about 50 days now. Ebay's quote generator quoted 218 to ship my item. Fedex accepted my package and then after shipping sent me a bill for $1300. I have sold and shipped these same items before on ebay for the cost of $250 using UPS which is documented under my account. The item in question was sold for $350ish. I await the outcome of the dispute. I have been with ebay for 22 years now and have bought and sold thousands of items as they can see by my account also. Since this error I have stopped posting items on ebay. I have decided that if the dispute is not fair or favorable. I will close my account and build an auction website for my niche market and advice other sellers to join me in low cost percentage auction sales. I of course will not use fedex any more because this was like being stabbed in the back. I have spent tens of thousands with Fedex over the years and I got a good 20 years left of work which I consider these will be my most productive. Hopefully I will be able to return with good news, But if I do not, know that Ebay, Fedex, and Myself have parted ways.
01-06-2020 08:02 AM
Sorry to see you and so many people are still being cheated by Fedex/EBay. Now I see that EBay is going to hold hands with Fedex for lower rates on Smartpost and 2 day deliveries. I guess it isn't a problem for Fedex to offer these rates when they continue to steal money from so many of us. I have been at this for 4 months, trying to recover $128.+. I have little or no hope of ever seeing the money, but I will continue to pursue the matter, and remind all DO NOT USE FEDEX. There are so many complaints on this company, overcharging and damaged deliveries the most common; EBay should have eliminated them as a shipping option, instead, they are pushing the service without taking care of the sellers that have been robbed. Keep posting and complaining, it is our only hope!
01-06-2020 01:11 PM
Same happened here! eBay estimated FedEx shipping cost $19 for a package weighing 17 lbs. FedEx received package and have SAME weight and dimensions in their database (I spoke to them). Two weeks later I receive invoice from eBay charging me FedEx Fee of $52 for this package that they changed the weight to 48 lbs.!!! When you talk to them on the phone, FedEx and eBay each point at the other!
How does this keep happening for so long without a resolution??? People are still getting scammed by this FedEx shipping fee stuff after several years! This has Class Action Lawsuit written all over it.
01-06-2020 01:12 PM