08-25-2019 12:16 PM
I sold an item and I only ship to Canada and USA. The buyer, from Austria bid on the auction and won. He asked for an invoice which I sent to him regardless of his location and he thinks it's too high (which it is thank you Canada post) and doesn't want to pay. I asked him to request to cancel the item and he said he is unable to.
What is my best course of action so I don't get screwed here by having to pay fees or damage my reputation?
08-25-2019 12:20 PM
Cancel with the reason "problem with buyers address" because there is. It is somewhere you dont ship to.
Then go into your account and make sure you have checked all the locations you dont want to ship to so this does not happen again.
08-25-2019 12:47 PM
Be sure to set your Site Preferences/Buyer Requirements to block bidders with shipping addresses in countries you don't ship to. Otherwise anybody anywhere can bid on /buy regardless of where they are.
Remember that any automated blocks you set only block buyers by their shipping location, if they're in Australia for instance, but have a shipping address in Canada or the US, they will be able to buy from you.
08-26-2019 08:42 PM
Be sure to add something to your TOS stating you only ship to U.S. addresses. Also state that you do not ship to U.S. based reshippers. If a buyer tries to circumvent your shipping settings by manipulating their eBay account then this TOS that they agreed to by buying your item will save your bacon.