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Buyer Requested a Refund

I sold a newly sealed item and it was clearly mentioned in my listing (bolded and underlined) that you would not be receiving an authentic item and you could not register the item.  The buyer either had buyer's remorse or did not fully read the listing prior to purchasing.  I send the item once payment cleared and thought I was done.  Buyer requests a refund days later stating item was fake to which I reply with a screenshot of the listing.  I do not hear from the buyer  and I call ebay which I'm told that I should be in the clear because I was transparent on my listing.  A few days later the buyer opens a case, hence placing a hold on my money in PayPal.  I receive an e-mail a few days later that ebay ruled in their favor to which I call ebay and I'm given the runaround on an answer.  From what I gathered they instructed the buyer to send the item back (despite me not accepting refunds nor having a say in this matter).  The rep said I need to verify the buyer's claims to which I said multiple times I don't need to because if you look at my listing I know it's not authentic so why am I verifying that?  I do not receive a clear answer.  So my questions are, how likely am is it going to be ruled in my favor since I was transparent in my listing and if ruled in my favor, what are they going to do about the money because if I have the product (which I never authorized a return) then how does that work out for me and the buyer?

Message 1 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

What do you mean, "...not be receiving an authentic item..." ?  Are you selling counterfeit items?  That is not only against eBay's rules but the law as well.

"It is an intelligent man that is aware of his own ignorance."
Message 2 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

If the buyer opened a SNAD or claimed the item was not authentic, and has returned the item, you need to just issue the a refund. If you don't, ebay will do it for you and you will get a defect.

Selling counterfeit items begs for trouble in more ways than one.

Message 3 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

@jrb822 wrote:

I sold a newly sealed item and it was clearly mentioned in my listing (bolded and underlined) that you would not be receiving an authentic item and you could not register the item.  The buyer either had buyer's remorse or did not fully read the listing prior to purchasing.  I send the item once payment cleared and thought I was done.  Buyer requests a refund days later stating item was fake to which I reply with a screenshot of the listing.  I do not hear from the buyer  and I call ebay which I'm told that I should be in the clear because I was transparent on my listing.  A few days later the buyer opens a case, hence placing a hold on my money in PayPal.  I receive an e-mail a few days later that ebay ruled in their favor to which I call ebay and I'm given the runaround on an answer.  From what I gathered they instructed the buyer to send the item back (despite me not accepting refunds nor having a say in this matter).  The rep said I need to verify the buyer's claims to which I said multiple times I don't need to because if you look at my listing I know it's not authentic so why am I verifying that?  I do not receive a clear answer.  So my questions are, how likely am is it going to be ruled in my favor since I was transparent in my listing and if ruled in my favor, what are they going to do about the money because if I have the product (which I never authorized a return) then how does that work out for me and the buyer?


I am assuming that this item you sold were one of these Beats headphones.

Screenshot_2019-09-30 Items for sale by jrb822 eBay.png


If so, I believe that they are a counterfeit item and you are not going to receive any help from ebay selling counterfeit items.  You are out of luck.  Sorry.  In the future, to protect yourself, do not sell counterfeit items or you are risking a re-occurrence of such events or worse...eBay can limit or stop you from selling anything all together.



Message 4 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

Sounds like you're leaving parts out. eBay does not rule in favor until you can ask them to step in.

You have to accept a buyers return even if your listing states you don't accept returns.
Message 5 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

As others have stated, eBay expressly forbids the listing of counterfeits, knockoffs, copies (or any other way you can say "not genuine).  "Beats-like" is not only hilarious, but it also means that buyers searching for "Beats" will find your counterfeit item.  Not cool.

You will need to accept that return and the negative feedback that will certainly accompany it.


Message 6 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

You do understand that what you are selling is a Federal you? you not read or see on TV the numerous raids they conduct on counterfeit sellers? We just had one in the Miami area...



Message 7 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

...left out another important thing.  You really should cancel the other two "Beats-like" you have currently are putting yourself in a very vulnerable position.  Ebay can (and has) banned people for life from selling here.  It is just not worth it.

Message 8 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

Wow, Op, you can believe someone has already reported those two fakes you have listed, after seeing this thread. You would be better off to immediately close those listings before Ebay does. You could be permanently blocked from selling here. Where in the world did you get the idea you could sell fakes here? Or anywhere?


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 9 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

@jrb822 you're selling blatant counterfeits, and you admit it.


Refund the buyer outright without demanding a return, and ask them to destroyed the headphones.


THEN refund everybody else that has bought them and ask them to destroy them as well.  


THEN pull the remaining ones down, and return them to the source, or destroy them.



Message 10 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

I have bought and sold on here for years and never encountered this as a seller.  Being that I spoke with ebay when this issue arose at no point did they mention I was in violation.  Two as a buyer, people have sold me plenty of items that were not the authentic however, if mentioned in their listing, I was aware that I was receiving a replica.  Replicas of name brand is sold ALL the time in stores so again how I was supposed to know it's a violation.

Message 11 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund



I don't think that anyone has reported your posts or listings.  That is why the best thing for you to do is/was to end the listings that you had still up...which I see you did.


As long as no one makes some BIG complaint...which I doubt anyone here is going to do, you should be took down the listings immediately and that was the best you could do under the circumstances.


People on these boards are not vindictive, but they are going to show you if you are in the wrong...especially when it's a big and obvious wrong.


I hope you continue to have a good and prosperous time on eBay.

Message 12 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

Replica is a little different than fake..a replica may copy certain design details without using the designer name,while a fake deliberately uses the designers name. That is against the law,and opens the seller up to a verification rights lawsuit.If you ever see a deliberate fake sold here,or anywhere else, you should report it.Most of these fakes(like yours) are manufactured in third world countries by slave labor children. Its an ugly business.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 13 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

You are not allowed to sell fakes. Period. Your title says they are Beats. The package says they are Beats. Those are COUNTERFEITS. Pretty words like "replica" doesn't make it any less illegal or against eBay policy.


If you value your ability to sell here, stop selling counterfeits.

Message 14 of 31
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Buyer Requested a Refund

No I don't watch much TV so I wouldn't have known about raids and the only thing that is on the news right now is the Guyger trial.  They would waste resources coming to my house as the only thing they would have found was the two that someone so "kindly" reported and have had removed already.

Message 15 of 31
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