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Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

I feel totally betrayed!  I listed and sold an XS Max and the buyer said he received an 6+ and not the phone I had advertised so he requested a return.  I replied that he was mistaken and that there were two people who witnessed the XS Max getting packaged up and sent out - it was the only phone I had to sell and there was no mistake and there is no reason any Seller would do something like that. I would gladly take my phone back, but did not want him to send me some old worthless phone so I asked ebay to investigate.  He called me a lier and every other name in the book .... long story short - ebay sided with the buyer and said they would refund his money after the phone was returned to me.  AN OLD BROKEN PHONE ARRIVED YESTERDAY - THE SCREEN IS BROKEN & PHONE IS WORTHLESS!  I called ebay twice only to be told I can appeal after the case is closed???  Makes no sense to me, but as of today, the case is closed and the buyer has been fully refunded $990 and also has my brand new phone worth over $1000!  I am so angry that ebay did literally nothing to investigate.  I am filing a police report now (a lot of good that will probably do). Does anyone have any other advice?  This could happen to any Seller and we have no way to protect ourselves from fraudulent claims and scammers - To make matters worse, ebay even debited me for the return label for the junk phone.  Does anybody know if I have any chance of recovering my money or phone and what steps I should take next?  It would be greatly appreciated.

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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

I have no advice as this is a common problem on eBay. Scammers paradise here with the seller almost always eating the thievery.

I am so sorry this happened to you. I no longer sell any high dollar items here, too afraid of the scammers.

I hope someone comes along with some helpful advice for you. Sadly, I suspect you have lost your item and your money as eBay lets the crooks win nearly every time. It's a paradise here for scammers, thieves, shoplifters and cons.

Sadly, eBay turns a blind eye to it, even after recently saying we are all getting better seller protections. I would like to know how eBay just helped YOU deal with another obvious scammer. They claimed they now have greater seller protection, haven't seen any examples of that yet.

So sorry. I do hope you win this somehow, you must be sick to your stomach over this as most of us are.
Message 2 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

Never argue - just reply that you will refund ONCE YOU GET THE ITEM BACK.  Wrong item or broken item? Partial refund accordingly or respond to the dispute with the picture of the item you got back.  You might take this up with Paypal but I'm not confident there is much they can do.

Message 3 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

Oo! Also take it up with the post office as that kind of fraud using the postal system is a crime.  and never send anything that valuable without signature confirmation (they would AT LEAST have to show ID to pick it up and sign for it.)

Message 4 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

@rixstuff wrote:

Never argue - just reply that you will refund ONCE YOU GET THE ITEM BACK.  Wrong item or broken item? Partial refund accordingly or respond to the dispute with the picture of the item you got back.  You might take this up with Paypal but I'm not confident there is much they can do.

Unless the seller offered Free Returns (they didn't), you can't give a partial refund.

If an SNAD was filed (it was) you can't do a partial refund.



File the police report, a mail fraud report, and a report with

CALL to open the appeal. Have all your report #s handy when you call.


Don't talk to the first grunt you get, ask for a supervisor.

Message 5 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

See my post today about the same type of thing except mine was only for $240!  We have to start supporting each other because eBay is not going to.  There is only one way to do it.

Message 6 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

You don't get the option of a partial refund. eBay refunds the entire price for you and then debits your account!
Message 7 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

I waited on hold today for over 20 minutes while they SEARCHED for a supervisor only to be told that the supervisor said ........... Never did get to talk to a supervisor, just told what the supervisor said!
Message 8 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

You need to file the police report but also go to and file an internet fraud report as well as the post master website and file mail fraud. Make sure you file a police report in your town as well as that buyers city as well. Appeal to Ebay uploading those reports. Personally you handled the return all wrong and as soon as the buyer initiated the return you should have come here for advice being a new seller. Newbie sellers are scammer magnets for high theft items, such as electronics. Never sell anything on here you can't afford to lose, unless you enjoy headaches and tons of wasted hours for a iffy outcome from Ebay. Usually this seems to work for most, you'll want Trust & Safety department or something like that, EBay's CSR's are morons that cannot help you.
Message 9 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

Also make sure you report the device as stolen. If you ever decide to sell anything else of value on Ebay, anything over $750 requires signature confirmation.
Message 10 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

Thanks for the advice - I wish I had know to come here I know better not to ever sell anything valuable again since this type of fraud is so simple to pull off. Honesty, I know ebay will do nothing....I'll spend hours and the outcome will net me zero return.  Thanks though:)

Message 11 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

Never would have thought of that...thank you!
Message 12 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

Lots of filing to be done...wish I had known how to handle when the buyer first requested the return. I'm really kicking myself now because I didn't talk to the "community" of Sellers first! I'm so sad. Thank you.
Message 13 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

I totally agree and thank you...but I'm new to this email system so how where do I go to find your post?
Message 14 of 26
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Re: Buyer Made False Claim - Buyer has my XS Max and $990! Need advice!!!

I found your post - I would join you in a class action suit. I know it would take quite a few people to get someone to represent us - so how many people do you think we could get onboard? I could ask my brother, who is an attorney the basics. I don't know how to navigate this email system very well, and I'm new as a Seller so I'm not sure how to reach all of "Sellers who have had this problem. I'm not even sure I can find your post again if you contact me here - please respond though and I will find you.
Message 15 of 26
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