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Do I have to create a new eBay account every time I ask a question here?

i am sorry to say this but it's annoying...

Whenever I ask a question here, I find many people who almost live here in eBay community and who do not answer the question as much as they go to check your history on eBay community and link the questions together, although I write some questions here based on the requests of some friends who sell on eBay and do not have sufficient knowledge of English, so I ask questions on their behalf because the goal is the same, which is advice and knowing the answers to the questions.
Some people here, unfortunately, have nothing to do but attack for the purpose of attacking without any reason
Do they think it is that difficult to hide past questions if it's bad which it's not but i can tell CREATING a new eBay account will not cost me more than a minute and a half, or perhaps less, but I do not do that because I do not do anything, say anything, or ask about anything that makes me afraid that people will see what I wrote in the past. No, I am not that person.
some people here told me that my account should be getting a lot of reports for what i post and what i ask but i don't care and i believe that if eBay is taking blu**bleep**s of those people seriously it would have blocked me now but it didn't and i am almost sure it will not because i believe eBay agents are impartial.

This certainly does not negate the existence of some truly wonderful people who answer my questions with the utmost objectivity, honesty, and enthusiasm for help and advice. I greatly appreciate them and feel grateful all the time to them. Some of them I write to directly for calm advice away from the noise of unjustified attacks and bullying.
I repeat my gratitude to the wonderful people, but others can only be ignored by me.


sincerely i apologize for the length of the article, but I wanted to reveal this thing that I have noticed for a long time here

Message 1 of 38
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Do I have to create a new eBay account every time I ask a question here?

Now you are on the bad list😟 


You are not supposed to reveal secrets😞

Message 31 of 38
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Do I have to create a new eBay account every time I ask a question here?

Do I have to create a new eBay account every time I ask a question here?

     Okay I'll take a crack at (sincerely) answering your (cynical) question.  And you can post angry replies if you want, but remember, YOU ASKED. 

     Here's how it got to the point where any post with the username dakbat-61 is now being read with suspicion.  Your recent post asking how to handle a return on an item you had drop-shipped from another eBay seller was so outrageous it caused us to go to your profile and see what else you had asked about in the past, and sure enough there was a clear pattern.  All your posts are about practices that are (or could be) against eBay policy or even against the law.  -What really raised my eyebrows was seeing that you were the same guy/gal who was asking about selling $100 bills (or rather, 100$ bills), back in February.  I remembered at the time it struck me as more than simple curiosity, like didn't you just find those listings strange but you either wanted to know how to do it profitably whether legal or not, or you were already doing it but wanted to see if experienced eBay sellers could figure out what illegal practice was really going on. 

     Then there is all the defensive replies you make to people one-by-one, often the same reply.  -Okay so from now on you won't be able to pretend you didn't know this, because I'm going to tell you right now: if you want multiple people to see what you say about something, you don't need to make separate replies for each person.  Everybody who participated in a thread at any time will receive a notification when anybody else makes a reply.  If you really want to make sure they know the reply includes them as the intended audience, you can @ all the names in one reply, but abusing that is exactly the kind of thing that irritates people.  

Speaking of irritation, these forums have policies regarding basic decency; it's not okay for people to go to extremes like calling you names, but we have the right to tell you when your business practices are prohibited or immoral, also when you are being irritating.  So quit pretending like you're being "attacked."  

Also speaking of pretending like you didn't know something, let's go back to that drop-shipping thing. -You have sent countless individualized replies to people, saying you didn't know it violated eBay policy.  But I'm going to ask you right now, how on Earth did you not at least suspect that it might be a violation?  Seriously, how could you have no idea that it was at least wrong to copy another seller's listing but with a higher price, so you could profit from them doing all the work of getting the item, photographing it, listing it, storing it, packing it, and shipping it?  Even if you don't care about morality, how could you think that you somehow invented an idea so brilliant and original that there wouldn't be a policy against it, because nobody tried it before?  Oh and by the way, in your brilliant scheming did it never occur to you that even if nobody figured out your scheme the buyer might want to return the item, and how that would be a huge problem?  

And then there's all the absurd incongruities, like how you weren't a seller or living in the U.S. in February ... but you are now in April.  COME ON MAN.  And how you could so easily created multiple accounts to post here if you wanted to .... but you're not that kind of person (just the kind who has given it plenty of thought apparently).  Also how people here have reported you but customer service reps have told you that you're fine.  I could be wrong I guess, but I really don't think a single person here has actually reported you, because I haven't seen any of your posts as reportable offenses (maybe I didn't see ones that were reported and subsequently deleted).  

Basically what it boils down to is the Dunning-Kruger effect.  You seem to think you're clever enough to deceive people who are actually smarter than you, and that angers you, so then you pretend your anger is innocent and understandable frustration, like people pointing out your deception is "attacking you" .... and that isn't as clever as you thought it would be either.  

So the next time you want to test the Community for gullibility, as @ittybitnot said yeah, you might want to start over and create a new identity. But as she also pointed out, we'll probably know it's you after a few posts.  So this probably isn't the best place to research scam tactics.  

Sorry, but again, you did ask. 

Message 33 of 38
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Do I have to create a new eBay account every time I ask a question here?


Well told and in great detail!!!!!  Here, Here!!!

Message 34 of 38
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Do I have to create a new eBay account every time I ask a question here?



Message 35 of 38
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Do I have to create a new eBay account every time I ask a question here?


Best post on this thread! 

Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 36 of 38
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Do I have to create a new eBay account every time I ask a question here?

And that  fact, that tons of people have e reported you already - that doesn't tell you you're doing so.ething WRONG?  CLOWN.

Message 37 of 38
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Do I have to create a new eBay account every time I ask a question here?

Whenever I ask a question here, I find many people who almost live here in eBay community and who do not answer the question as much as they go to check your history on eBay community and link the questions together, although I write some questions here based on the requests of some friends who sell on eBay and do not have sufficient knowledge of English, so I ask questions on their behalf because the goal is the same, which is advice and knowing the answers to the questions.
Some people here, unfortunately, have nothing to do but attack for the purpose of attacking without any reason
Do they think it is that difficult to hide past questions if it's bad which it's not but i can tell CREATING a new eBay account will not cost me more than a minute and a half, or perhaps less, but I do not do that because I do not do anything, say anything, or ask about anything that makes me afraid that people will see what I wrote in the past. No, I am not that person.
some people here told me that my account should be getting a lot of reports for what i post and what i ask but i don't care and i believe that if eBay is taking blu**bleep**s of those people seriously it would have blocked me now but it didn't and i am almost sure it will not because i believe eBay agents are impartial.

This certainly does not negate the existence of some truly wonderful people who answer my questions with the utmost objectivity, honesty, and enthusiasm for help and advice. I greatly appreciate them and feel grateful all the time to them. Some of them I write to directly for calm advice away from the noise of unjustified attacks and bullying.
I repeat my gratitude to the wonderful people, but others can only be ignored by me.


sincerely i apologize for the length of the article, but I wanted to reveal this thing that I have noticed for a long time here

Message 38 of 38
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