11-27-2024 04:32 AM
sent out a used chromebook to a 0 feedback buyer. it was only $10 shipping and the total order was only $35.00 but still, I noticed when checking the tracking that a return order has been processed? I guess they couldnt deliver to the guy's address? I checked it on google maps and it IS a valid address in an apartment complex. I am not sure if it has been fully shipped back yet or not. I reached out to the buyer and have had no response at all. considering the location and the name, they likely do not speak english is my thought. what do I do about this? do I go back to my local post office with the tracking number and have them reroute it back to that post office with maybe a delivery pickup notice or something? I just dont want to be out almost a third of the value of this is all.
might not seem like much to some but to me, it adds up especially at this time of year as I would have to refund them the full value upon return so then I'm out what I paid for shipping plus what I refunded to them...
11-27-2024 04:40 AM
Was the address missing the apartment number, perhaps? If the unit number was included and you can't find an issue with the address, you can call the post office that rejected it to ask what the problem was.
This is my standard advice for RTS (returned to sender) packages. Take the parts that are relevant to your situation.
You have a few options. You should decide which route you'll be taking and communicate with the buyer, but wait until the item is returned (and delivered) to you before you take any of the following actions.
11-27-2024 04:45 AM
My last Return to Sender Processed took almost 2 months to get back. Good Luck.
11-27-2024 12:45 PM
I already reached out to the buyer via email and text via the phone number on file. I also contacted the main usps customer service line after the san antonio tx post office just simply never answers the phone. they informed me that it does appear the address is valid and that once I get it back and its confirmed valid by my local post office as well, that it can be re-sent to that address free of charge. I dont know, I feel like I'm getting the run around on this but I do try my best to please people.
I'm wondering if the guy got booted from his apartment after he made the purchase so the apartment is actually vacant or something...lol.
11-27-2024 02:31 PM
11-27-2024 02:33 PM
@stackz wrote:I already reached out to the buyer via email and text via the phone number on file. I also contacted the main usps customer service line after the san antonio tx post office just simply never answers the phone. they informed me that it does appear the address is valid and that once I get it back and its confirmed valid by my local post office as well, that it can be re-sent to that address free of charge. I dont know, I feel like I'm getting the run around on this but I do try my best to please people.
I'm wondering if the guy got booted from his apartment after he made the purchase so the apartment is actually vacant or something...lol.
Apartment is likely vacant, either the person moved or it was being used as a dump address for someone making purchases with stolen credit cards.
I have a shelf and a wall for people who don't know where they live. I tape the standard envelope items to the wall, and I put the other items on the shelf. I don't even open them. I just wait to see if I hear back from the people, which is something I don't remember ever happening. Then about once a year I clear off the shelf and open the envelopes and relist the items.
I don't pre-emptively reach out to the people, I used to do that, end result always ended up either costing me money or getting me bad feedback.
I do also want to note that I have never had this happen with anything that costs more than about $6.
11-27-2024 03:31 PM
Have to wait until it is returned.
Do not email buyer...they will email you first.
'Valid address in an apartment complex'...but does anyone live there now.?..they could have moved...could be someone using a credit card not there's but to that address and live next door...watching tracking and forgot to pick it up at the vacant apartment...never know what it could be.
I get returns...buyers never contacted me...so items returned and re-posted for sale.